- Comment on I am from a different millenia 6 days ago:
Don’t see a lot of Five Iron Frenzy references around here! It’s such a… specific genre.
- Comment on Why don't states in the US come up with their own health insurance program? So people can pay into it prolly less then what they pay now and the state put the money in a bank and use the interest for 6 days ago:
You can’t just go get medi-cal though, you have to qualify by having an income of $20k or below (more if you have kids), are under 21 or over 65, permanently disabled or currently pregnant.
People on medi cal are constantly stressing about earning $1 too much and losing their healthcare. Covered California helps, but it’s still bad.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
I cannot imagine working on spreadsheets on a smartphone. I’m getting a stress headache thinking about it.
- Comment on New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’ 3 weeks ago:
It’s been in cows since last March. That’s why all the ruckus about “muh rights to drink raw milk!” They were told not to (by the libs) because of bird flu, so… here we are.
- Comment on Is consciousness dependent on input to the brain? 1 month ago:
- Comment on bird flu 1 month ago:
Yes…? We’ve been vaccinating livestock for relevant diseases since 1879, starting with Chicken Cholera.
- Comment on Thanks mom, I don't want any 1 month ago:
There also appears to be some sort of sliced lunch meat in the mix there. Again… lawless hellscape.
- Comment on A guy just got arrested in Houston US for allegedly being an ISIS member. I grew up in Reagan and 911 era are these people just saying this or are they actively buying bombs? 3 months ago:
Just FYI, while the concentration camps in the US were absolutely inexcusable, destroyed communities, forced people to sell their homes and businesses and took people away from the lives they had built and everything the knew and loved, they were not extermination camps.
Of the 120,000 people unjustly incarcerated, 1,862 people died in the camp hospitals in the four years the camps operated. The current US mortality rate is about 0.8% (about 800 deaths per 100,000 people per year). So for 120,000 people (using today’s standard, I can’t find the rate for the 1940s), we would expect about 960 deaths per year, or 3840 in all four years.
Again, not condoning the US concentration camps in any way. But they were not death camps.
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
Can’t tell you how disappointed I am that isn’t just a chart of increasingly tubby kittens.
- Comment on What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment? 5 months ago:
- Comment on Music was better when ugly people were allowed to make it 5 months ago:
So you’re saying that… video killed the radio star…?
- Comment on Zillow will now show climate risks for property listings in the US 5 months ago:
Redfin has been doing this for a while. It’s like “Oh wow! That amazing property is wildly within my price range! …oh… 100% chance of flooding in the next 30 years… but only 9% chance of wildfire! I like those odds!”
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Gestation? They will birth the peanuts?
www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-peanuts (answer: yes, but raw peanuts can have mold, so cooked is better. They are a high fat, “sometimes treat”)
- Comment on Suddenly it all makes sense. 6 months ago:
There are a few in my town and it’s really hard not to stare as they go by, even after seeing them around a bit. I imagine a few accidents have happened by now because people can’t stop rubbernecking and going “Holy shit, it looks even stupider in real life!!” >> crash.
- Comment on Do any "thickening" products actually work to prevent hair loss/thinning? 6 months ago:
Essential oils are still pretty bad for cats.
Essential Oil Toxicity in Cats
The reason why these oils are risky is that they contain compounds such as terpenes, ketones, and phenols. Your cat’s liver cannot metabolize these chemicals, as it doesn’t have the enzymes necessary for processing and excreting them. As a result, there is always a possibility of their accumulation in the liver building to toxic levels.
- Comment on Scratch that. Let's do an airstrike instead. 6 months ago:
Three times per day to three times per week is considered “normal.” You’re both fine.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
We are talking about actors, specifically Courtney Cox. Your weird island idea is the straw man in this conversation.
The idea that she should age in a way that continues your “crush” on her or else “disappear from the public” is continuing the policing of women’s bodies that I am referring to.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
Oh fuck off. Actors who are famous for their faces have no good path forward. They will be criticized regardless, either for “letting themselves go” or “getting work done.”
“Age gracefully” means “get work done that I can’t clock, because it hurts my feelings to acknowledge that faces change in aesthetically displeasing ways as people age.”
I’m really sick of this pseudo-feminist policing of aging women’s faces.
- Comment on If malls continue to shut down and decay over the next twenty years, someone should turn them into retirement communities for GenX and Millennials. 7 months ago:
I commented below with a similar idea. Like a public indoor park, for when Outside™ is no longer an option for recreation due to climate issues. They are big enough to accommodate large playgrounds, both child and adult style, running tracks, swimming pools, sports fields/courts. Keep the food court, sure, throw in a library, etc.
If we ever get a house and senate progressive enough to shave like 0.000000001% of the military budget we could put one in every abandoned mall and have funds left over.
- Comment on If malls continue to shut down and decay over the next twenty years, someone should turn them into retirement communities for GenX and Millennials. 7 months ago:
As is often mentioned, the plumbing situation makes this somewhat untenable.
But, as the world warms and outdoor recreation becomes impossible, I think they could be repurposed into indoor recreation centers, not that different from a regular mall, just less focused on shopping and more on fun and exercise.
- Comment on Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California 7 months ago:
I’m generally not one to notice a well cut suit, but damned if the Gavinator isn’t looking slick AF in that shot. This article isn’t painting him in the best light, but they sure did choose a nice picture of him.
- Comment on Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California 7 months ago:
What are you talking about? There’s nothing surprising in the article or anything that runs contrary to anything anyone here has said. This is a fucked up decision. Newsom used the Supreme Court decision as a free pass to clear encampments and ticket unsheltered people without the previous obligation to first offer housing- or at least a cot in a shelter. This does nothing to “make our cities safer” it just criminalizes poverty (even more than it already is).
“Newsom could have issued this order before the (Supreme Court) decision. The only difference now is that states and localities are free to confine and arrest people even when there is no shelter available,” said Chris Herring, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of California Los Angeles.
“So before the Supreme Court ruling cities were in the position where they would have to provide shelter offers before removing encampments. Now … they will be able to carry out these encampment sweeps with the very real threat of issuing people incredibly expensive fines of which people cannot pay and often results in a warrant or an arrest or can result in incarceration.”
- Comment on Not Spam, ON TOPIC: Fidget Toys for Adults, 1911 3D Printed Small Pistol Toys, Stress Relief Pistol Toys Suitable for Relieving ADHD, Anxiety, Suitable Toys for Friends Adults and Kids Best Gift 7 months ago:
In the 90’s (before Columbine) making finger guns was an automatic suspension at my elementary school. I can only imagine how things are now.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
My first thought is that the HOA is going to have a big problem with this, if you have one- most town homes do.
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
Is the bacon fat and vinegar blended/emulsified? Is it served warm or cold? The flavors sound great, but I can’t picture how that’s not a messy puddle of grease and vinegar.
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 7 months ago:
- Comment on Life, huh 7 months ago:
Lol, same. Oh wait… fuck… I’m 40.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
I’m a small breasted woman who does not wear a bra. The reasons of practicality and comfort are described below for bigger chested people (I didn’t see mentioned that if they are really big and you try to run without serious, sometimes two sports bras on they can fly up and hit you in the face). I do sometimes accidentally hit my nipple on something, which I don’t like.
But in my experience, people get upset at seeing boob shaped boobs. Strangers tell me I should be wearing a bra. They want bra shaped boobs. Nipples are scary.
I haven’t worn one since middle school when it was new and fun and made me feel “grown up” (but uncomfortable). But some years back I got shingles and apparently permanent nerve damage on the nerve group that would be right under the bra band on my back and anything irritating it makes me feel like I’m on fire so it’s just not going to happen. Certainly not in the name of sparing the general public the scandal of seeing boob shaped boobs in a loose T shirt. At the very most I will use silicone tape to hide my nipples in very formal situations.
- Comment on How transwomen/transmen dream 7 months ago:
*exclusionary. Exclusive sounds like they are only feminists for trans women.
- Comment on Is my punctuation correct? 7 months ago:
Period comes after the parentheses. guides.libraries.psu.edu/mlacitation/intext
Direct quote:
One study found that “the listener’s familiarity with the topic of discourse greatly facilitates the interpretation of the entire message” (Gass and Varonis 85).