- Comment on The situation got so bad that actuall news overtook memes in top posts on Lemmy 1 week ago:
Yes I always think of that Simpsons line, this is the worse day so far. It doesn’t help any anxiety about the geopolitical situation even backdropped by an amusing sitcom. I do hope people learn better, but maybe we’ll see the way of nuking ourselves and wonder what happened while still being intolerant (as a whole, I know many individuals are cool but those are never in position of power it seems).
I limit my political stories these days after Trump’s first term I can’t handle the same input, not American but that doesn’t matter to the world’s outcome.
- Comment on No Balls 5 weeks ago:
Time out!
- Comment on Elon Musk email to X staff: ‘we’re barely breaking even’ 1 month ago:
Why do I get the impression if you get that email from management you’re hemorrhaging worse than the top TV doctors could save you? Unless it’s an end of season episode, but mid season they’re playing some sad music before the end. Oh and look it’s mid season…unless you’re on a streaming schedule.
Damn I’m old, they’re all on a streaming schedule now eh?
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
They probably assumed from Witcher 3 it was mostly fine. I played a fair number of hours on PC, I think the second (maybe 3rd) time it crashed for me was when I was playing the dlc intro, and I don’t think I noticed any horrible bugs. Now I’m not saying they weren’t there of course but this may have all been that reviewers saw as well. Also I think PC was much better on launch than the console so that may have played a big part in it.
I never read many reviews ahead of time to know what promised features were excluded but I’m sure there were a number, so that should have sunk the score noticably.
I would say it’s easily a great game now, but mostly I love the attitude and aesthetics of cyberpunk (the genre) and this was one of the recent games that did that part right.
- Comment on JWST Has Spotted Six Rogue Planets, Without a Star to Call Home 6 months ago:
Cause as DPS it’s harder to find a group.
- Comment on Science is Magic 6 months ago:
I’m not sure I’ve heard that one, very similar and awesome. I should read some of him, yes I know very famous just something I haven’t got around to doing.
- Comment on Science is Magic 6 months ago:
I do agree but if you wanted to make to case for ‘God’ they could have made sure some of their creatures evolved to understand his work, assuming they did it in a logical way. I’m not a person with faith but just try and think a way is possible, though usually trying to understand weird comic and media universe type actions.
We are the way for a universe to understand itself (paraphrased from Sagan). Though his writing is much more interesting than this comment. I just think there’s room for belief if it works for people, but not for the strict literal interpretations that many seem to believe.
- Comment on Evidence 8 months ago:
Seems like a distinction without a difference, I sort of assumed the OP meant that is all I mean. We don’t know anything before the beginning after all. Like you said.
- Comment on EA are thinking about inserting adverts into games - but don’t worry, it’ll be “very thoughtful” 9 months ago:
The Rainbow Six game in Las Vegas had billboard ads back in the day. I was kinda surprised it didn’t get worse since then. There’s a Penny Arcade comic for it.
I’m sure the very thoughtful part will be about how much money it can bring in without people getting too upset about it.
- Comment on Ex-Amazon AI exec claims she was asked to ignore IP law 10 months ago:
Soon it’ll be, ’ give birth in our facilities then you can work when you’re finished with labour, don’t worry we can provide education and daycare as long as you sign an indentured servitude for you and the new employee’.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
What sort of toolbar do you mean? Actually curious because I just use my taskbar for shortcuts and the number that minimize to the system tray. I’ve been wondering about other uses it could have. I will Google it too but always nice to have random people’s uses as well. Have a Linux vm setup through hyper v and been trying to learn more.
- Comment on CD Projekt Red still 'don't see a place for microtransactions' in singleplayer games 11 months ago:
Their release wasn’t great for many people but they did improve it constantly over the years. To be fair as a PC player I didn’t have many issues so my opinion is biased.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
I could have sworn when I pledged in 2014-2016 (can’t recall at the moment) I pledged cause Squadron 42 was hyped to be released in a much shorter time. I’m not complaining, I spent some more cash on it, but I thought I was going to get a fancier single player space game before now. I loved Wing Commander as a kid, even had to get a tech to figure out the highmem.sys and possibly other optimization in the windows .bat files to even play so wanted to play the newest of Chris Rpberts.
Of course maybe I misunderstood at the time and it wasn’t supposed to be coming that soon, which is why I’m not bothered even if it passed, I think they are trying but got into feature creep. I haven’t logged on in over a year now but I keep an eye on things to try when it seems interesting and get use out of my HOTAS.
- Comment on Algorithms instead of source code !! 1 year ago:
The problem with stuff like flow charts is that when you do a new feature that changes the chart then there’s another chunk of time to update that document. If you’re really interested in that all you can really do is make your own as you go through software and you’ll see usual patterns how different code areas interact. it’s not as useful as figuring it out on your own or studying design paradigms.
- Comment on Factorio pretty much rewrote its world generation to account for new planets—like this volcanic one 1 year ago:
I’ve done Factorio from vanilla, vanilla plus qol mods, to angels and bobs mods. Something is so satisfying once you get a train network set up, bots doing their thing (think it’s improved but used to be a performance killer with too many) and watching everything just work. I think I was at 400 hours before I even bothered launching a rocket which is where they say you beat the game. Anyone looking for YouTubers check out KatherineOfSky, think she still does them for factorio and is quite nice to watch and learn from. I actually haven’t played in a few years now but have 600ish hours (maybe left it on a few nights running by accident but mostly true hours), great game to figure out logistics, timings and such. Also personally usually played without the biters since I just wanted to build (glad they took out the requirement to kill biters for science) but watching other people build up defenses seems interesting but too stressful for my play.
- Comment on Why is no one clearing the promenade? I specifically requested it! RIP Andre Braugher 1 year ago:
He played the best straight man (comedywise) as a gay character. I always thought that was one of the best jokes in the show.
- Comment on Power to Quark's employees 1 year ago:
He was ritually…disposed. Cue Star Trek episode finding a random Ferengi on a planet that’s not like other Ferengi.
- Comment on Walmart says it is not advertising on social platform X 1 year ago:
Narcassists always want to frame things so it doesn’t sound like they did anything wrong. Why everyone needs to be educated to see these actions for what they are, a flailing billionaire that thinks everyone should just agree with them cause they’re rich and give them more money, least in this instance.
- Comment on GTA 6 trailer coming Tuesday, Rockstar announces 1 year ago:
I tried some online stuff (no friends and just casual play) with V and it wasn’t interesting at all to me. Mean the story wasn’t stellar in V but I had enough fun through single player. Hopefully they put at least the same effort in VI’s single player. Though with all the companies wanting more money I bet there’ll be more focus for online from the start this time.
- Comment on As a lefty it feels extra special when I get that glide finally 1 year ago:
I’m a lefty so this may be incorrect but I think you also want to keep good tension on the paper while you do it. If that’s not a thing, then oops. Sometimes the glide works, the other 80% it bunches up about halfway through so I tend to try a few times then just give up. Also I assume it works opened more because the scissors tend to be sharper closer to the handle where they’re less used, in case that helps anyone figure out the sweet spot. So just do what usual leftys do, make the contact between scissor blades pull together with a good grip, have a nice tension on the paper and push it through slowly. Then get annoyed when it rips after it working once.
- Comment on What does a PhD mean? 1 year ago:
My Dad used to say it was just BS piled higher and deeper, similar but I always liked the joke from that phrasing.
- Comment on We’re All Math People: Some of the power of math lies in the very fact that it’s made up. 1 year ago:
But it’s not really ‘made up’, it proves itself through equations we can see and again proves itself through equations we can understand how the universe works. Maybe wasn’t relevant to you and only minimal to my work but saying it’s just made up isn’t correct.
- Comment on StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS 1 year ago:
Yeah it’s been awhile, old penny arcade about it been almost 20 years. I remember hoping to see it at the time.
- Comment on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Devs Say Miles Morales Is the 'Main' Spider-Man From Now On - IGN 1 year ago:
Being older I’ve really only known Parker as Spider-Man, don’t even think I’ve watched any animated with Morales yet. The Miles Morales game kinda felt like a Gen-Z Parker to me, in the way they updated to a younger character but almost all of his dialogue felt like it could come from Parker though of course their personal situation and known people are different. I was a bit hesitant on the change at first (harder to take change sometimes heh) but at about halfway through Miles Morales game now I feel quite satisfied with how the cutscenes and story have played out, he feels like a good successor to the hero. I’m sure many people have had similar reactions over the years, especially between gold-silver age comic choices. I’ve always known multiple Flash characters (once I started watching more animated shows) so this isn’t much different.
- Comment on While looking stuff up for another post I found a collection of every coverart for every intellivision game. Some really fantastic art in here. 1 year ago:
There was room for a row at the bottom too that wouldn’t block the middle area view, I don’t know css extremely well but I figured they could put that row horizontal down there without much hassle and give a better view. Of course then you don’t get reminded to click on a social link, ugh.
- Comment on Captain, remember your breathing exercises. They're not worth it. 1 year ago:
The stories which her empathy abilities are more useful don’t make it to the show unfortunately, they’re over too quickly. That’s my theory.
- Comment on Cities Skylines 2 reportedly runs with 7-12fps on an Intel Core i9 13900KS with AMD Radeon RX 7900XTX at 4K/High Settings 1 year ago:
Yup even if you get top of the line everything PC games usually aren’t meant to be maxed out settings at launch. A high resolution really takes a toll on the hardware too. Of course not every game is like this but for the most part they don’t want the games to look outdated after two years. It’s always fun revisiting games after a PC upgrade because of this. Though since even the devs or publisher said that they didn’t hit performance targets this is noticably worse performance, least from all the articles I’ve seen. I enjoyed the first city skylines except the traffic so am looking forward to buying when it gets optimized.
- Comment on YouTube isn't happy you're using ad blockers — and it's doing something about it 1 year ago:
So I only watch YouTube on my PS4 since I watch it on my gaming TV. Are these ads the two they want to show while watching a video, usually around 6 mins between ads, though that seems to change depending how popular the uploader is, maybe settings from the uploaders too, I dunno the specifics but have been curious. Many times can skip in the second one after 5 seconds, first one is usually 15, but they seem to play around with it, sometimes skip the first ad after 5 or sometimes have to watch 2 x 15 second ones, or is there another ad rotation on PC I’m not aware of? I’m just curious since I rarely do a PC one but they are annoying. Annoying to the point I mute and consciously don’t watch anything on the screen except for the ad skip being available. Usually hit it but sometimes stuffing the vaporizer I miss the first one then have to wait for the second to become available.
Personally it’s not horrible but it’d be nice if I knew ahead of time which format they wanted. I’m also older,I assume if something was done like this in the 90s we’d be seeing full ad breaks like that time in broadcasting so I’ve been beaten down by ad acceptance as much as I try and ignore them. Trying to say even if it bothers me I sort of got used to ads all the time anyways.
- Comment on Power overwhelming 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure I glued a few shoulder pads sticking out and backwards back in the day. They still looked alright heh.
- Comment on They Need To Stop Doing This 1 year ago:
That’s cause they always have money in the lobbying budget to fix things.