- Comment on Longtime buddy of mine just got a gaming PC. What games would make up a good "welcome to PC" care package? 2 months ago:
Outer Wilds is one of my favorite games. If he likes the explorey/other worldly feel of souls games, he might like it, but it certainly doesn’t have any combat.
As for fighting, I’ve recently started replaying Returnal, and I really enjoy that. It’s a well known console game, but I think it came out after 2020. It’s a roguelike format so slightly different from souls, but I love it.
- Comment on Fired Employee Allegedly Hacked Disney World's Menu System to Alter Peanut Allergy Information. 4 months ago:
IT systems need a way to pre-enter an account deactivation, and when HR sends a text to the system it make it live, or something. I’ve been the IT guy who was told to disable an account, and the user found out before the news was broken so they asked me what was going on. No bueno.
- Comment on YouTube tests removing viewer counts — here’s what we know 4 months ago:
I guess I was thinking of how to videos like how to fix a part on your car. But yeah I can see how how to videos like that still being an opportunity for Google to make money.
- Comment on YouTube tests removing viewer counts — here’s what we know 4 months ago:
People who watch tutorial videos only get on, watch the video and then leave. How are they supposed to make tons of advertising revenue from that? No, we must sacrifice that class of video from the platform, in pursuit of the almighty dollar.
- Comment on Which adjective should come first, modular or versatile? 4 months ago:
Neither sounds “wrong” to my ear, but if I had to pick one, hmmmm…I think modular things are inherently versatile, but versatile things aren’t inherently modular, so I would go with “versatile and modular” so it gets more specific from first word to second word.
Or consider not using both those words.
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 5 months ago:
I mean, what you personally call it isn’t really going to make any difference, so if we’re trying to optimize your mental health, just reframe the naritive in your head. You’re still calling it Twitter to honor what it used to be, back when you respected it. You are refusing to acknowledge the nazi dumpster fire it has become, even if you still need to talk about it.
I personally basically never have a reason to mention the site when taking to another person, but if/when I do, I’ll call it Twitter just because I think it would annoy Elon, if he somehow knew.
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 5 months ago:
We definitely are seeing things faster than 24 Hz, or we wouldn’t be able to tell a difference in refresh rates above that.
- Comment on Researchers develop lithium-sulfur battery that can be cut, folded - Energy Storage 5 months ago:
I really like the safety aspect of this, but 72% capacity after 300 cycles seems low. What’s a use case scenario where this is preferable over lipo batteries?
- Comment on What started “weirdo” as a slur just recently? 5 months ago:
Don’t worry about it too much. I don’t think this current trend will completely overtake the word “weird”, but even if it does, you’ll still be good-weird, Republicans will still be bad-weird, and people will know the difference, no matter what we call those things.
- Comment on We keep running into LLMs that are pretending to be people, but I bet there are a handful of people out there pretending to be LLMs. 6 months ago:
What an interesting thought! There are lots of reasons a person might pretend to be an LLM. They could be something like, to make money…uh…somehow. And then…well I’m sure there’s other reasons too.
I’m a bot. Totally.
- Comment on Balatro celebrates 2 million sales, will feature major gameplay update in 2025! 6 months ago:
I was going to say “ahh, too bad the Internet isn’t really helpful for that method of learning”, but with AI who knows, maybe that’ll be something your computer can do before too long
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
I can’t image HR getting a complaint that you aren’t making small talk, and saying “That’s outrageous! We’ll demand his medical records right now!”
HR exists to keep the company from getting sued, and I think there’s a lot less risk for them to tell one employee “He doesn’t want to talk to you, deal with it.” vs demanding medical records for a non-work-role related issue.
- Comment on is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital? 8 months ago:
You said you were out sick for 4 weeks? Do they know why? Maybe you could spin that, say “sorry, I got some scarring in my throat and talking can make it worse, so I really need to only talk about work or I’ll be up all night in pain”. Or something like that.
Or you could try “sorry, I like working with you, and I know I’ve talked in the past, but I need to admit that I have Asperger’s/autism, and trying to make small talk is very stressful for me, so I hope you’re not offended but I feel like I’m going to burn out unless I make some changes like sticking to only work-oriented discussions from now on. Thank you for your understanding.”
Bonus points if you type that up and hand it to people, like you can’t even tell it to then directly.
I know both my answers are “lie in a way that makes you look abnormal” which you may feel like isn’t something you should have to do. Which is true. But you want to minimize them thinking you’re judging them, and they KNOW you are able to talk, so the best way I see is to make them think it’s a problem you have, not about them.
🤷♂️ Good luck!
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I vote starvation. I think a big percent of the world will starve, with a few countries holding out. A bit later I think all those people will starve too, with only like 20 billionaires surviving. And then when THEY run out of food a few years later, I dunno, they’ll OD on drugs?
- Comment on The best way to keep feeling young is to remove all of your mirrors. 9 months ago:
Uhhh… Remove mirrors and wear gloves.
- Comment on Chinese battery developer unveils new tech with 1,300-mile range that could revolutionize EVs: 'An important piece of the puzzle' 10 months ago:
If we just attached a generator to the battery industry, all these revolutions would solve our energy needs!
- Comment on Tesla profits nosedive as more job cuts announced 10 months ago:
Nut job cut jobs
- Comment on The Lyrics Game - Where AI tests you lyrical prowess 11 months ago:
Is there a good way to view the images without having seen the title first?
- Comment on Public urged to be on guard as deepfake content will grow more sophisticated: Experts 1 year ago:
I’d like to go ahead and preemptively express my concerns that this technology could be used to create convincing videos of a person dropping multiple mini doughnuts on the floor, at which point they start crying, sit down, and then start eating the doughnuts off the floor. If such a video ever surfaces of me, we’ll know my fears were well founded.
If you’ll excuse me, I need to finish off these doug-…this paperwork.
- Comment on Cox Media Group claims to be listening to private conversations to sell advertisements 1 year ago:
They’re like “we should address the fact that this product sounds exactly like a bleak dystopian future”
- Comment on Fallout TV Show - Trailer 1 year ago:
I think part of why creators don’t include fans in the process is to avoid the possibility of a lawsuit like “I said there should be a super-mutant/brotherhood of steel secret relationship, and they used my idea! I’m entitled to money!”
Maybe 🤷♂️
- Comment on I'll just be a quick 3h 1 year ago:
A view is a saved query that pretends it’s a table. It doesn’t actually store any data. So if you need to query 10 different tables, joining them together and filtering the results specific ways, a view would just be that saved query, so instead of "SELECT * FROM " you can do “SELECT * FROM HandyView”
- Comment on I'll just be a quick 3h 1 year ago:
Somebody tell this dude about views.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
I finally got a steam deck and I can’t decide what to play on it. Most recently I dusted off Hand of Fate 2 and I’m having fun with that all over again.
- Comment on So that's why Google wants you to use Chrome on your iPhone so badly 1 year ago:
This is the best comment I can make.
I agree
- Comment on [I just watched] Spider-Man - Across the Spider-Verse 1 year ago:
Yeah, the first one was a masterpiece in timing, and balance between story/action/comedy. This second one was great, I really enjoyed it, but the action scenes and the story development scenes both dragged on a little too long. Like why did they have the meeting with the school councilor and his Dad’s party? I feel like they both did a lot of the same thing, and probably could have been combined.
There were a lot of laughs, but the laugh-per-minute ratio was lower just because I think there were less jokes, and the movie was longer.
Anyways, still very very enjoyable, but yeah I totally agree the first one is superior
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
“The importance of URLs to articles.”
- Comment on FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Oct. 4, 2023. Messages Will be Sent to All TVs, Radios and Cell Phones 1 year ago:
I look forward to the Qultist’s excuses when everyone who got the vaccine is still alive on Oct 5th (as I expect they’re going to spend the next 28 days saying how 5g is going to activate the vaccines and kill all the sheeples who got the shot.)
- Comment on 'No-water' hydropower turns England's hills into green and pleasant batteries 1 year ago:
Very cool. Do we know what the fluid is? Does it pose any health risks if it somehow leaks into the groundwater?
- Comment on [HN] Engineer slapped with suspension after bridge collapsed hours after opening 1 year ago:
The fact that this is about a bridge made the phrase “slapped with a suspension” a bit confusing.