- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
A lot of people did, and I think that’s really interesting! There’s a lot of focus, even commercialization, around dating for men. So much is geared towards how to get a (romantic) relationship, and I think a lot of people’s self worth is tied to it. And chances are, if you’re feeling that, someone else you know is feeling it too!
I encourage everyone here to reach out to a friend today and see how they’re doing. I’m not going to pretend that’s going to solve the loneliness issue. That’s clearly systemic. But reaching out is something most of us can do.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
While I agree about third places, I think it’s interesting that you then focused on dating.
Loneliness means lack of friendships and family ties as well. I think a lot of men are focused on dating, and even when they are in a relationship, they use that as their only source of socialization outside the workplace. A lot of the barriers that exist for one are true for the rest as well, it is hard to make friends nowadays as an adult! There are so many people that stop trying, and it isn’t surprising.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
I’m from a different culture than my husband and my last name was a bureaucratic nightmare. Almost didn’t make it into university because of computer mix ups, have had issues filing taxes, voting, getting a passport, settings basic IDs, getting insurance… It’s endless. Changed my name as soon as I could, and even THAT process was hindered by my original name.
Bonuses: Distance myself from social media I had as a child. Harder for former stalkers to locate me if they decide to rekindle their previous obsessions. Don’t need to upset one set of grandparents when you name your children one parent’s last name and not the other. People stop asking me where I’m from and making racist assumptions about me. Everyone seems a lot friendlier now that they assume I’m [insert European white race here] instead of [insert non-white race here] and that’s despite the fact that I’m clearly white. Racism is wild. My signature is way shorter.
Not saying this should be the norm, but I was happy it was a socially acceptable option for me.
- Comment on YSK there is a massive Google Doc of U.S. gynecologists that will tie your tubes without asking about your kids, marital status or age. 7 months ago:
I was thirteen years old when I went to the doctor by myself because a cut on my eyelid wasn’t healing. I was asked about my birth control, sexual activity, and whether I thought I could be pregnant (after saying I’ve never had sex) then pushed out of the examination room after NOT having my eye examined at all.
As an adult, I realize now how terrible that was and I would have done something about it if it had happened to me today. But at the time I was so embarrassed and hurt, I just pushed all thought of it away until years later.
- Comment on Have fun with this one 7 months ago:
Breakfast on a pear?
- Comment on tremendous 10 months ago:
People have most certainly felt electricity.
- Comment on Security footage of Boeing repair before door-plug blowout was overwritten 11 months ago:
The doubt is sounding quite reasonable.
- Comment on Tech bros' attitude to female colleagues stuck in dark ages 1 year ago:
It’s happened in education and the inverse happened in computing.
- Comment on People Are Okay With Wind & Solar Installations In Their Neighborhoods, Studies Say 1 year ago:
You can have municipal regulations and be free to decide what to do with your own property aside from that. Most of the world does it and things work just fine, with the added benefit of no HOA troubles.
- Comment on Watching TV shows or movies that display Russia as a military superpower is almost surreal nowadays. 1 year ago:
Lol Cuba can’t even afford bullets for military training.