Why is the screenshot blurry, and also has a shadow around 2 edges, and has a white border around 2 edges? Lol
Submitted 11 months ago by eru777@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world
Why is the screenshot blurry, and also has a shadow around 2 edges, and has a white border around 2 edges? Lol
Back in the day, if you wanted a drop shadow you added it in photoshop… And saved as jpg
Possible post by a bot account?
The original Pokemon sucked
I playes the ever living hell out of Gen 1 ans 2 and i can confindently say Gen 2 was a fucking masterpiece. I’ll never forget swimming from Jhoto to Kanto and the feeling that gave me. Also, Gen 3 was reaaaaaaaaaaaaally good.
maniacal_gaff@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Sure except for the beatings.
shyguyblue@lemmy.world 11 months ago
“I’ll give you something to cry about!”
Therapy helps, but not enough for me to continue the cycle.