Remember, the government are not your friends. I think both the lefties and the righties can agree on that.
At issue here is the patriot act weakening of the right to financial privacy act of 1978. People have a 4th amendment protection of their persons and papers against unreasonable search. Except, you know, where terrorism is suspected. Then the g-men can do just about whatever they want to keep america safe from those Muslim terrorists. And domestic terrorists.
I remember any criticism of the Patriot act at the time was immediately slapped down as anti-american and seen as support for fundamentalist Muslim killers that want to murder us all and impose Sharia law on any survivors.
So now that creeping erosion of rights is now justified against a different group, it seems like a leopards ate my face situation.
The people at Antifa headquarters might be celebrating this because it targets their opponents, but government agencies could just as well check bank records for other activity deemed un-american and/or indicative of extremist or criminal activity, like purchasing hrt products or mifepristone. Because it’s not much of a stretch to think that people could be made very worried about trans-abortionist terrorists threatening our American Way of Life. 1 year ago
Yeah, it’s almost like the majority of domestic terrorists are maga/right wingers or something like that.…/far-right-violence-a-growing-threat-and… 1 year ago
Lmao you lost the argument when you cited the Defamation league as your source 1 year ago
Y’all really seem to hate jews for some reason
🤔 1 year ago
Okay, reading the adl article, so 67 attacks in 5 years. Not a small number. I don’t agree with the notion of pre-crime or collective punishment, but let’s at least entertain the idea.
Lets see what they count as an attack.
Oh look, literally the first one:
They didn’t do anything, literally just alleged crime-think. That’s not an attack, not technically or in spirit. It should not be counted. Keep an eye on them if the cops truly think it’s an issue, but they haven’t actually done anything.
This shit is what I’m talking about when I say the news shouldn’t be trusted.
I also love the fact that their “Policy Recommendations” includes blatant first amendment violations. I don’t think they could have made it more obvious if they tried. 1 year ago
Keeping an eye out for potential criminals isn’t either of those things.
It wasn’t just a thought. It was a criminal planning to do another crime. He was planning on killing the people investigating him. I have no sympathy for criminals who plan on doing more crime, making credible threats and plans to kill people. He can get fucked for all I care.
If you think that solicitation to commit a violent crime and threatening an officer of the law isn’t criminal, then you should take it up with the legislature.
Not all terrorism is physical. Not all violence is physical. So your statements saying he didn’t do anything are just plain wrong.
Even at best, all you’re arguing is that they are mischaracterizing the nature of what’s going on. But regardless of how you categorize it, domestic right wing terrorism is the biggest terrorism threat to the U.S. 1 year ago
They did a little more than think. Conspiracy requires an action even a small action. I am not a fan of conspiracy charges because it is human nature to vent and many actions could be considered an action towards the crime. Luckily I don’t write the laws because it would be tough to write it correctly to get the people that are conspiring vs someone who ran their mouth when angry.