Since AskLemmy doesn’t allow those kind of posts.
! doesn’t allow those posts because their community sidebar literally has the answers to your question linked.
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Since AskLemmy doesn’t allow those kind of posts.
! doesn’t allow those posts because their community sidebar literally has the answers to your question linked.
Forgiveness… and thank you.
For some reason, in voyagerapp the three dots menu doesn’t enable for that community, so the sidebar isn’t accessible.
Not really an excuse, just an observation.
There are also these two sites:
Folks at would be happy to help you if you post to !
There hasn’t been a post in there for a while but don’t be shy.
The first is dead, the second doesn’t seem to exist?
I think the link broke on the second, I reformatted it, but unfortunately they both look like they’re dead. 1 year ago
!newcommunities 1 year ago