- Comment on Pennsylvania judge allows Elon Musk's PAC to continue $1M a day giveaway 3 months ago:
Left out:
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
Huh, I’ll definitely look into that. Both times I tried to route external pihole access, somehow other mystery services found it and it slowed to a crawl from getting absolutely pounded by requests not from me. Thanks for that tip!
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
Except that, as I’ve already mentioned, I have two piholes, and sometimes both will be receiving requests. Based on your description, the second would never receive requests as long as the first is online. Perhaps this is router dependent, but it’s what I’ve observed.
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
Pretty much. Not sure how the router determines which DNS to use, but mine seems to latch onto whichever one serves up results the fastest, which would inevitably be cloudflare direct when the pihole returns a block.
So I use a Raspberry Pi Zero W as a dedicated pihole, and my Pi 4 seedbox acts as its own pihole for torrents and as redundant backup when the Zero is rebooting or whatever. And then use gravity-sync from the Zero to the 4 to mirror the settings.
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
I have two piholes, and sometimes both will receive requests at the same time, if there’s a lot of traffic.
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
I would avoid it, as it may use the alternate instead of the pihole at anytime. If you want redundancy, it’s best to have a second pihole.
- Comment on Are humans the only animal that wipes things off? 1 year ago:
Have to wonder how many dances end with the female being like “your performance was excellent but, unfortunately, you missed a spot.”
- Comment on Are humans the only animal that wipes things off? 1 year ago:
maybe Birds of Paradise
They carefully weed, groom, and remove any debris from their courtship grounds to ensure a spotless area for their performances. This ensures that the females are not distracted by dirt and debris, allowing the males to show off their dazzling colors and elaborate dances without interruption.
- Comment on Is it okay to wash hands with body soap? 1 year ago:
I didn’t say it was stupid, but there have been questions asked here like “is Kim Kardashian a princess” so sometimes the seriousness of the question is unclear.
- Comment on Is it okay to wash hands with body soap? 1 year ago:
Honestly not sure whether or not to take this question seriously.
- Comment on What is wage theft exactly? 1 year ago:
Also included are withholding tips from waitstaff, etc, since tips supposedly offset the lower hourly wages they’re paid.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Probably tweet some condolences to Hunter, then wait for Trump to buried, to finally go pee on him.
- Comment on A huge battery has replaced Hawaii's last coal plant 1 year ago:
Well, on Maui that’s not as feasible, because such activity is now minimal and far underground, and has mostly moved to creating the big island.
Oahu is even less active than Maui, being farther back in the island creation path.
On the big island it would be more feasible with the active volcano, but would likely have to restrict it to capturing what you could from steam vents (which aren’t that plentiful, even around the volcano rim). Trying to build something over the areas active enough with lava would probably just be asking for the occasional eruption with ejected plumes destroying the investment. So solar and wind are still our better options because those resources are in excess without melting anything down.
I think the main reason that coal and oil were/are still being used is simply because that’s the working infrastructure that was already there. Wind turbines have been added to slowly replace part of the need, as well as solar on housing to reduce those residents’ bills and feed back into the grid, but the larger move to solar farms has (I believe) been waiting for the solar and battery tech to get better before spending our level of expense on it. And probably determining where to put farms that are large enough. There’s a lot of concern about placing such things on burial grounds, and on such a small pieces of land it can be a challenge to find large suitable areas that don’t also contain ancestors. Hopefully here on Maui they’re planning to use part of the central valley for it now that cane is no longer grown, but idk.
- Comment on A huge battery has replaced Hawaii's last coal plant 1 year ago:
Meanwhile, on Maui:…/maui-power-plant-woes-illustrate-…
We were shocked to read that Hawaiian Electric may have to build a whole new power plant on Maui solely because the company that supplies spare parts for its Maalaea power plant generators unexpectedly shut down.
Hawaiian Electric says the four diesel-powered engines, which are capable of supplying nearly a quarter of the island’s electricity, require new parts every two and a half years as part of routine maintenance, and no other manufacturer appears able to provide those parts.
The company has enough spare parts for now but is scrambling to determine how it will keep Maui’s lights on when the engines need servicing in 2027.
So we may be planning something similar. Not sure, haven’t seen updates, though I could have missed them.
- Comment on Is there a term for someone that likes other people to smell their farts? 1 year ago:
I don’t know that one, and yet I can almost see the truth in it anyway.
- Comment on Is there a term for someone that likes other people to smell their farts? 1 year ago:
oddly specific
- Comment on Is there a term for someone that likes other people to smell their farts? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Community for finding communities? 1 year ago:
For some reason, in voyagerapp the three dots menu doesn’t enable for that community, so the sidebar isn’t accessible.
Not really an excuse, just an observation.
- Comment on what has worked for you to stop getting angry thinking about people who hurt you? 1 year ago:
Although I am an atheist, if I am wrong, I am fairly certain they are going to hell.
- Comment on Also applies to a bunch of other identities 1 year ago:
I went to check the link you provided, but turned around at the content warning. No thanks on that, but I’ll trust you.
- Comment on Also applies to a bunch of other identities 1 year ago:
4 month old account, no activity until this post, probably for good reason.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
LOL as if, thanks for the heads up for blocking.
- Comment on Work placement rewards om 2044 1 year ago:
Maybe they stuff you into a smaller pod for unsanctioned screaming.
- Comment on Work placement rewards om 2044 1 year ago:
The intimacy unit looks concerned enough to be recruited.
- Comment on Work placement rewards om 2044 1 year ago:
How much time outdoors? It’s that or the scream box.
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
I just want to commend you on asking for help, and based on your post and replies, it sounds like you can at least offload the belief that you hate children, because it doesn’t seem that way, only that you’re very triggered by the noise, which I can totally relate to. It happens for me with kids and barking dogs, and I have to manage the sound with music and earbuds. Sound sensitivity and being stressed by it is very real for a number of conditions or conditioned mentalities, so I wouldn’t be so hard on yourself about it when it’s clear you’re empathetic and don’t want to feel that way, but seeking therapy with someone familiar with such reactions is probably a good idea. Though ultimately personal noise management may still be a big part of the solution.
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
This could be incorrect, but a psychopath generally wouldn’t ask for advice about it because they wouldn’t see anything wrong with it.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
That sounds about right. I’ve gotten a few replies back then that I would assume were AI generated if I received them this year.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Epic’s customer service sucks. Consider my experience from a prior xmas sale:
- had multiple games in the cart with discounts applied, checked out with paypal
- for whatever reason, the paypal communication broke, and didn’t go through
- my cart then got stuck in a limbo where I couldn’t check out with any method to receive the discounts, everything was full price again
- opened a customer support ticket to get the problem resolved (meaning clearing whatever the block was so I could checkout the same games with the same discounts again)
- then went through 3 days of back and forth, explaining the situation over and over because
- each of your replies are handled by whoever the next agent is
- who evidently don’t read any history of the ticket, so they provide feedback or advice that already didn’t work
- and it can take a full 24 hours or more to get a reply that ignores all previous replies
- by the time the error was resolved by a competent person, the sale was over by only a few hours
- despite the fact that I only missed the sale window because their reps were incompetent, they refused to make any exceptions to apply the sale prices I had been trying to checkout for 3 days
So, fuck them. I only claim free games from them now.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Playnite is a better free option for a library manager and the steam integration doesn’t break constantly.