The thing that shits me about this is google appear to the public to be late to the party but the reality is they DID put safety before profit when it came to AI. The sheer amount of research and papers put out by them on AI should have proven to people they know what they’re doing.
And then openAI throw caution into the wind and essentially make google and others panic knee jerk because there’s really money to be made, and now everyone seems to be throwing caution into the wind and pushing it into the mainstream before society is ready.
All in the name of shareholders. 1 year ago
So a Board member wrote a paper about focusing on safety above profit in AI development. Sam Altman did not take kindly to this concept and started pushing to fire her (to which end he may or may not have lied to other Board members to split them up). Sam gets fired for trying to fire someone for putting safety over profit. Everything exploded and now profit is firmly at the head of the table.
I like nothing about this version of events either. 1 year ago
Wasn’t that evident from the very first few days, when we learned the board stood for the non profit, safety first mother org while the booted ceo stands for reckless monetization.
Now he’s back, the safety concerns got silenced, money can be made, people can get fucked. A good day for capitalists 1 year ago
That’s why I was so confused that all the workers stood behind the CEO and threatened to go to Microsoft. 1 year ago
I feel like this isn’t surprising knowing about all the other stuff altman has done. Seems like yet another loss for the greater good in the name of profit. 1 year ago
Now what would the company do if the AI model started putting safety above profit (i.e. refusing to lie to profit the user (aka reducing market value))? How fucked are we if they create an AGI that puts profit above safety? 1 year ago
What other stuff has he done? Genuinely curious.