This is a guide to a longer lasting Android device, from choosing one to how to preserve the one that you have.
Choosing a long-lasting and repair friendly phone:
To get the best shot at longevity, start with a high quality device from a manufacture with a history of long term support, and regularly releases of the kernel source code. A device that has an unlockable bootloader, and is user repairable (See Ifixit’s Smartphone Repairability Scores) will allow you to keep the software & hardware going the longest. Both the Google Pixels, and Fairphone’s line are a good place to start.
Before you use your phone
- Use a good sturdy case like an Otterbox
- Apply a liquid “screen protector” then a screen protector on top, Sapphire being the best (but very expensive).
Avoid charging or discarding the battery fully (read why here: Battery University Lithium-ion (LI-on), 20~80% is a good target.
- Avoid fast & wireless charging. (to reduce the heat the battery endures)
- Use a magnetic charging cable to reduce the wear on the plug (Like Volta), you need a bulky case to have it flush to not make the phone uncomfortable to hold though.
- When/If you use a regular charging cable don’t move the phone when it’s plugged in, movement wears the plug much sooner.
Use a charge limiting feature. (Listed in order of recommendation.)
- If your phone has a built Smart battery charge management feature, use that.
- If you have Root use ACCA(a GUI for ACC) (recommended, automatic)
- Buy an auto USB cut off switch, like a Chargie by Lighty Electronics that’s has an app to auto cut off power based on power draw or charge level. Note that in The newest Android versions restricts the APP from auto enabling Bluetooth, making this a bit of a meh solution. Using an Automation APP like Tasker to turn off a Home Assistant-controlled smart plug when the battery exceeds 80% might be a more reliable method.
- Download an APP that alerts you at charge levels, (AccuBattery, Battery Guru: Monitor & Health, etc.
Waking & Locking the screen
Try to avoid using the power button, as it’s a common fail point
To wake
1. Use the flip the wake screen feature called “Flip to check events” (Or some phones have a “flip to check events” options in settings at wakes the screen on movement )
2. Use the fingerprint reader to wake and unlock.
To lock/turn off the screen
1. Use a launcher that support double tapping the home screen to lock it (Nova launcher, Smart launcher, etc.)
2. Use Googles Quick Tap feature if you have a Pixel or the APP Tap, Tap for any Android to lock the screen. (Note: battery life might suffer)
3. Use a short Screen Time out.
- Get a new case to get a fresh look and feel when your tired of the one you have 1 year ago
Really like this!
Only one additional thing that came to mind - get a phone with lots of storage! My two previous Android devices died as a result of EMMC failure, and they had a pretty small onboard capacity (16GB, and 32GB)… my current device is 64GB and I now keep most of my data on a 512GB sd card.
Lots of empty storage space allows the EMMC firmware to perform wear levelling as needed, prolonging the life of this non-replaceable component. Most well-designed Android devices also run a “TRIM” on the internal EMMC storage when the device is idle, a kind of self-maintenance procedure that allows the firmware to keep track of how much space is unoccupied.
For Android users who are curious about the details (or have rooted devices and want to run a trim manually) see here 1 year ago
Thank’s for the advice, and being the first replay to my first post! I’ve retired from Reddit and hope to add value to society with out supporting as many companies I disagree with. :)