It depends on how much cpu power, disk space, ram, side databases, backup space, etc. you need. Once you know all of it, just compare prices. Check also hetzner, scaleway, vultr, digital ocean, ovh. Good luck 🤞
What are good web hosting services for a social community platform? should I use AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or Something else? (Needs to be budget friendly)
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
I imagine that any of them would work. Have you compared services and prices? I believe that at least with Azure, you pay for what you use, but that may be true for all of them. 1 year ago
I just started using Hetzner recently. I’d definitely check them out 1 year ago
I currently trying to figure out the IBM cloud free tier for this but their interface is NOT optimized for mobile and I haven’t figured it out yet. Not a very helpful answer but I didn’t see you mention it so maybe you didn’t know they have a free tier. 1 year ago
I run the Lemmy instance at Accuris Hosting. Decent Virtual Machines, easy IPV6 support, and everything works fine. Prices are a bit on the high end, but it’s worth it to me to use a provider located in my country, where I understand all of the associated laws and can pay in my own currency via my local bank. Also, I’d rather not give money to big tech if I can help it, and support local business instead. This isn’t sponsored or anything, I’m just a mostly contented customer.
Also, of course, the fact that the control panel is screen-reader accessible is super important to me, though I doubt anyone else cares. But unfortunately that’s not yet the case with most of the larger cloud providers like AWS. And if they do deploy an inaccessible update, the company is small enough that I can send an email and get an answer from a human who has actually read what I wrote, rather than a corporate AI. 1 year ago
Opalstack is always a great starting place. 1 year ago
Sort of depends on what you want to host.
AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are IaaS services. Using them for “web hosting” is probably not a good use of your time or money. AWS does have a number of managed, or semi-managed services but you tend to pay a premium for for them. 1 year ago
I also wouldn’t use it if you’re not super experienced in it, I used up all my $50 credit on a DNS server I accidentally left open for a few months but thought I deleted. AWS is a giant footgun for the inexperienced. 1 year ago
Great metaphor.