So, why are they suddenly allowed to talk about it?
Apple takes UK to court over 'backdoor' order
Submitted 4 days ago by to 4 days ago
Say what you want about Apple and their motivations, we really need them to win this case. 4 days ago
Sometimes i like Apple, sometimes I don’t. This is certainly the former. 4 days ago
They’re certainly less-bad about this stuff than Google, Facebook, etc. 4 days ago
Don’t trust the corpos but Apple has a history of resisting stuff lime this. 4 days ago
No 👏 they 👏 do 👏 not.
Get Apple’s dick out of your ass.
They literally have a history of giving governments data access and encryption keys:…/how-apple-gave-chinese-govern… 4 days ago
It’s irrelevant what fascism collaborators do as their side job. Fuck apple.…/tim-cook-apple-donate-1-million-trump… 4 days ago
I didn’t say I like Apple or that I trust them or anything. I said we want them to win this lawsuit. 4 days ago
Ignoring the fact they already did this in China? And by the way, you have no way of knowing when your data was uploaded to the Chinese servers 4 days ago
I’m not sure how this is incompatible with what I said. Are you saying you don’t want them to win this lawsuit? 3 days ago
They care more about protecting their IP and public image, not end privacy of users.
They make a big fuss anytime a public request comes up like the FBI a few years ago, but they have zero issue funneling everything into the NSA just like every other Silicon Valley shmuck. 3 days ago
Apple is all proprietary anyways, so you shouldn’t trust them still, even if they win this court case. I recommend using Librebooted Dell OptiPlex 780’s or Dell E4300 Latitude’s with Trisquel GNU/Linux + Tor Browser with Javascript disabled if your looking for the most privacy in your internet activites. You can do what you wish with this information. 3 days ago
Oh my god the responses are so aggravating
It does not fucking matter what we think of Apple. If they lose this case, we all lose.
This isn’t a discussion about what hardware to buy dude jfc take step back and look around you for 2 seconds