- Comment on Apple takes UK to court over 'backdoor' order 3 days ago:
I think we should attack this issue at the root. There are already backdoors in the devices anyway, so what’s this court case really going to achieve? I get it, because it would be a known backdoor, but think of all the nastier NSA backdoors that aren’t disclosed to the public. We’ve lost already by the masses using proprietary garbage.
- Comment on Apple takes UK to court over 'backdoor' order 4 days ago:
Apple is all proprietary anyways, so you shouldn’t trust them still, even if they win this court case. I recommend using Librebooted Dell OptiPlex 780’s or Dell E4300 Latitude’s with Trisquel GNU/Linux + Tor Browser with Javascript disabled if your looking for the most privacy in your internet activites. You can do what you wish with this information.
- Submitted 4 months ago to showerthoughts@lemmy.world | 2 comments
- Comment on Which OS do you use for your homeserver? 1 year ago:
How is the OpenBSD experience? I have 2x4TB hard drives in my Libreboot server (Dell T1650 motherboard), can I easily setup RAID 1 through the OS?
- Comment on Which OS do you use for your homeserver? 1 year ago:
Proprietary 🤮
- Comment on Which OS do you use for your homeserver? 1 year ago:
Ubuntu 🤢
- Comment on VW solid-state battery retains 95% capacity over 1,000 charge cycles in lab testing 1 year ago:
Somehow the transmission will still find a way to blow up.
- Comment on Truly inspirational 1 year ago:
6 weeks?