They wanna go back to the 50s and 60s socially, but not fiscally. That would require high corporate and private tax rates. Just like the bible we’re here to pick and choose the things we want to do.
Make America Great Again *(For white, straight "christian" republicans)
Submitted 3 days ago by to
Comments 2 days ago 3 days ago
Don’t forget “rich.”
Poor straight white Christian men are going to suffer too 2 days ago
The great time these dickwads keep thinking about is when we taxed billionaires 90% after 3 million dollar income. So yea let’s go to that 2 days ago
I want to go back to when weed was legal and you could still get painkillers if you needed them from your doctor. That time exists, right? 3 days ago
They think the last was nice because of the Hayes Code, which prevented things like cops being the bad guys and kids disrespecting their parents from making it into film or television.