How close can I easily come to seeing all hourly job offers in my area sorted by hourly earnings? (Obv not saying there aren’t other considerations, but I want to consider them in order of pay)
I doubt (and am unaware) of any such database. If you are trying to figure out what type of work you want to apply for, is encourage you to reach out and call people who are doing jobs you can see yourself doing. Ask for an informational interview. Most people (in my field) are happy to chat with others who are interested and are usually very open about what areas have the best pay/balance/freedom/room for growth. 1 week ago
Go on Indeed, enter your zip code (assuming US), sort by salary. It’s gonna be a lot of C-suite jobs and medical doctor positions. 1 week ago
In my experience Indeed is a very poor source of information. Picking the name of your city will invariably select all instances of that city name on the planet, making the quality of the result suspect if not outright misleading.
Source: I live in Perth, scattered across 17 cities in 7 countries. 1 week ago
You fool! You’ve doxxed yourself! 1 week ago
Indeed is very accurate in my field 1 week ago
I can’t find a sorting option but I had been on an intro page when I’d checked before posting so I couldn’t even select a minimum hourly pay, sorry, def a stupid question. Thank you! 1 week ago
Tons of forklift driver and equipment operator positions on there. I got certs and shit, sill not getting hired. 1 week ago
Bud, if you got hired, you’d have to delete this account, so I think you really need to ask yourself what is most important in life.