It’s not my guilt to carry. I wasn’t born or wasn’t involved in these racist acts. Blame the people who were
Today could be a day for soul-searching. Instead we cling to a distant monarchy in denial of our racist past | Paul Daley
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
No one is asking you to feel guilty. We’re asking you to acknowledge the past, and to acknowledge the privilege that brings you. To use that to help forge a path of reconciliation forward together as a nation. 5 weeks ago
I’m all for that. But I think many people feel more responsible for righting the wrongs of their ancestors than of other wrongs. I think we should help all those struggling, independent of who caused it. 4 weeks ago
To use that to help forge a path of reconciliation forward together as a nation.
Not having a go here, genuinely. I genuinely want to know: what does this mean? I voted yes, but it was a lot of vague comments and a voice to parliament all sounds great. but no ones ever said “here’s 3 simple things we should be working on”. 5 weeks ago
@DavidDoesLemmy @vividspecter Too sad you feel this way. I don't carry the guilt: but I am aware. And I am sympathetic. 4 weeks ago
What’s the point of blaming dead generations? That doesn’t achieve anything for society. Guilt doesn’t fix things.
If my dad stole your car five years ago and I inherited it, I wasn’t involved at all, but you still had your car stolen. Would it be fine for me to say “I’m not a thief, you should blame my dad” and keep driving it around?
Of course, a car is a trivial example. Seizing entire communities’ land, kidnapping and massacring them, for starters, is obviously a bit harder to forget about after a few generations, because the consequences still impact people today. 4 weeks ago
How far back in time can you go to right wrongs? Everybody has ancestors who have done wrong. Indigenous Australians had wars before white people arrived.
At some point you have to leave the past in the past and build a more equitable world for all, today. 4 weeks ago
Considering the ‘looseness’ of the specific date, I find it odd that some cling so hard to it’s significance, the feeling of having to change it seems to much to bear for some. It would possibly be better to use Federation day ( although that date is inconvenient for a public holiday) or another day chosen from a selection in a referendum or similar. While we stoke divisive fires this will never change. Personally change the date I can adapt and if it makes some happy what do I care, I just want the day off. 4 weeks ago
reckon its probably worse than that. I think people just dont care. Apathy instead of denial and hate. And thats a problem I dont know how we fix. The federal government stuffed up with the voice as well, should had their full throated support. Now people are just tired of being told to give a shit, especially since it all went nowhere. 4 weeks ago
for sure get rid of the monarchy at least 5 weeks ago
I think most people just want a day off man