- Comment on Today could be a day for soul-searching. Instead we cling to a distant monarchy in denial of our racist past | Paul Daley 5 weeks ago:
Considering the ‘looseness’ of the specific date, I find it odd that some cling so hard to it’s significance, the feeling of having to change it seems to much to bear for some. It would possibly be better to use Federation day ( although that date is inconvenient for a public holiday) or another day chosen from a selection in a referendum or similar. While we stoke divisive fires this will never change. Personally change the date I can adapt and if it makes some happy what do I care, I just want the day off.
- Comment on Measles alert for Sydney as experts call for improvement in indoor air quality 11 months ago:
Nah Measles is a government created pysop, used to to…oh I can’t even keep it up. But rest assured some idiot will see a conspiracy and not get their kids vaxed.
- Comment on Weekly Random Thread #36 05-09-2023 1 year ago:
I get ready for work in the morning, I step outside and everytime I can hear from across the other side of town a Harley Davidson burping it’s way along the road. My questions are:
Should this be allowed?
What do people who ride them think when they are riding along knowing full well the noise that is being generated?
- Comment on Linus Tech Tips pauses production as controversy swirls | What started as criticism over errors in recent YouTube videos has escalated into allegations of sexual harassment, prompting the company t... 1 year ago:
And courage, because this could have really been twisted and clouded, Gamers Nexus really went out on a limb (albeit justified).