Suchir Balaji, listed in court filing as having ‘relevant documents’ about copyright violation, died on 26 November
Whistle lower deaths need to be treated by the courts like other destruction of evidence, because that’s what it is. The jury being instructed to assume the most damaging version of what that evidence could have contained.
A whistleblower isn’t going to kill themselves out of nowhere. To get to that point they were undoubtedly being threatened by the company. 2 months ago
All this talk about Luigi when the real story is the string of whistleblower deaths this year. Where’s the focused search for their killers? 2 months ago
And not only that, but people worshipping Luigi. But yes, you are right, whistleblower deaths are far more interesting to me. 2 months ago
If you know of a way to take out Pinkertons… well, maybe you should just keep quiet about it because, well…