Wise man say- forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. 🍕
- Comment on Google begins requiring JavaScript for Google Search 1 month ago:
Google can eat shit.
- Comment on Tintin, Popeye, Hemingway among US copyrights expiring in 2025 1 month ago:
B-movie horror Popeye would be fuckin dope.
- Comment on OpenAI whistleblower who died was being considered as witness against company 2 months ago:
If you know of a way to take out Pinkertons… well, maybe you should just keep quiet about it because, well…
- Comment on UN expert urges Poland to address discrimination and violence against LGBT community 2 months ago:
Good luck with that. Poland is extremely catholic.
- Comment on Bombs Awat 3 months ago:
So what I hear you saying is I need a bigger aquarium…
- Comment on make it make sense 3 months ago:
Yup. Which is why we need to bring back the guillotine.
- Comment on same as it ever was 3 months ago:
Seeing as how there are more at this point, it must be the assholes that do such things being butthurt. Be mad, bitches.
Anyway, we don’t totally disagree. You’re spot on about Mozart! Fuck the clergy. And fuck being a slave to anyone. In the words of Killer Mike, “kill your masters”.
- Comment on same as it ever was 3 months ago:
You downvote me because I differentiate between trash tags and actual street art? Not all street art is sanctioned, but there is street art that is technically vandalism, but it’s still good art that brings some color to an otherwise drab concrete jungle. In any case, it can be removed, but carving shit in isn’t so easy to fix.
- Comment on same as it ever was 3 months ago:
I’m talking about the destructive graffiti. That’s not rebellion, that’s shitting things up. It’s why we can never have nice things—because some asshole(s) just have to destroy shit. I love good street art, but that shit is just marking shit up to be an ass. And if you think that shit’s ok, you’re an ass, too.
- Comment on same as it ever was 3 months ago:
Humans have always been, and always will be, garbage.
- Comment on Kill it with fire! 3 months ago:
I fucking hate these things. They are going to wipe out our crops. All thanks to China exploiting our lazy import inspections. You can’t tell me this shit isn’t on purpose. Especially with all the deadly spiders and wasp nests and scorpions that come in Temu orders and shit.
- Comment on Be a rebel, pick up trash. 3 months ago:
Mac and cheese? How do you not know turtles love pizza?
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
3D printers, period. The microplastics they create are insane.
- Comment on Chat, what do you see? 4 months ago:
- Comment on Badgers 4 months ago:
Wait till you hear what they do in Brian Jacques’ Redwall series!
- Comment on Wikipedia is under assault: rogue users keep posting AI generated nonsense 4 months ago:
Mummy and daddy not paying you enough attention again?
- Comment on “Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update 6 months ago:
If it were working as intended it would prevent them from booting into windows.
- Comment on “Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update 6 months ago:
No, it’s preventing users from booting into Linux.
- Comment on Schools to teach children how to spot fake news and ‘putrid’ conspiracies online 6 months ago:
Mine did, too. Hell, I had a 4th grade teacher that taught the class how to meditate during the last 5-10 minutes of class. She would turn off the lights, have us put our heads down on our desk and would put on a CD with new age bell/chime/gong meditation music, and she would talk us through guided meditations; simple visualization and relaxation. She also taught us to stand up and speak out when we saw someone doing something bad: “You are doing the wrong thing!”
- Comment on 2024-07-18 lemm.ee downtime 7 months ago:
Yeah, but it could have been China, India, Iran, or maybe even North Korea. There are a lot of places that think disrupting the rest of the world will get them somewhere.
- Comment on Supporters Believe ‘Hand of God’ Saved Trump 7 months ago:
Some of us never believed them to begin with.
- Comment on hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey? 8 months ago:
Oh, hey. I completely forgot… They have another game called Flower that’s available on Steam. It came out before Journey. You play as the wind, collecting flower petals by waking up flowers. It may sound weird, but it’s super peaceful and relaxing.
The one before that, their first game, is called Flow, but it never got ported to PC, so you’ll need a PS4/5 to play it. You play as a microscopic organism that floats around eating other organisms, growing larger and more elaborate as you do, trying to get to the dark depths.
I love thatgamecompany. Their stuff is always so chill.
- Comment on hooooly shit! has anyone else played journey? 8 months ago:
I played it back when it first came out, and I still pick it up at least once it twice a year just to play it again. It is one of the most beautiful games I have ever played.
Did you get to encounter any other players on your journey? Also, if you collect all of the glyphs (the ones that extend your scarf) you get the white robe. It makes it so that your scarf recharges just from standing on a surface! (And it’s pretty!)
- Comment on Observed state 9 months ago:
Thank you for introducing me to my now favorite use of this meme.
- Comment on The US food industry has long buried the truth about their products. Is that coming to an end? 9 months ago:
One can only dream, but they’ll fight this. Can’t let anything affect profits.
- Comment on Ukrainian boy defeats Russian chess star to win World Championship 9 months ago:
Fuck, now Pootin will never stop this war.
- Comment on Dahlia Help 9 months ago:
Clearly it has melted from the heat. /j
Joking aside, I don’t know about Dahlias, but I know there are many plants that toy have to take extra precautions when transplanting, such as waiting till after bloom or during a certain season. Could be over/under watering. Like I said, I don’t know Dahlias, but those are some starting points till someone with the knowledge shows up.
- Comment on Stay healthy 10 months ago:
You know, usually when I see shit like this, I chalk it up to them just being an attention-whore troll. But your comment got me thinking, maybe they have been in prison or something and really don’t know how society has changed.
That being said, it’s definitely not the case here as I have been taking this, and their other user names since the spam started.
But it is an interesting thought.
- Comment on Truth and facts 10 months ago:
Yeah, but did they talk about how they get to play with their rocks for a living while they check out some gneiss cleavage and schist?
- Comment on Desert Tree Frog 10 months ago:
“It is no longer Wednesday, my dude.”