The BBC speaks to Hongkongers whose hopes for a freer city have withered.
Archived version:…/c888jnvq4x4o
Submitted 2 months ago by to
The BBC speaks to Hongkongers whose hopes for a freer city have withered.
Archived version:…/c888jnvq4x4o
Oh you mean all the fascist Trump fans that rioted over the fact a rich guy that murdered his girlfriend was gonna be extradited?
Yeah people should probably be reminded about why that even happened.
I remember a couple years ago when the british judges finally left, I swear to god those colonial dickheads were all still wearing powdered wigs. Never has it been so obvious who the bad guys were that a toddler could point it out.
lmao I didn’t even know about the powdered wigs
Hong Kongs Failed Color Revolution
I thought you guys liked fascism?
Stay mad imperialists
Freedom to live in cage apartments while worshipping british people.
Nowadays it seems unlikely for revolutions or rebellions to achieve anything. The surveillance and control apparatuses are almost always too strong and sophisticated to be overthrown.
the authoritarian CCP won’t give us our colonial outpost back 😢
The other people getting silenced and erased are all the Ukrainian Nazis who mysteriously ended up at the protests there, before returning to Ukraine and getting denazified.
“Your comment […] was removed. Reason: Rule 6.”
How is it off-topic to point out that the Hong Kong ‘’‘protesters’‘’ were a gaggle of CIA-backed stooges supported by literal fascist mercenaries from the Empire’s other imperial project?
We did it reddit! 2 months ago
Earth in general feels like terrible perverted movie where the bad guys always win right now. 2 months ago
That’s largely because you listen to media outlets run by them. 2 months ago
Please point me to the news outlets not run by bad guys talking about how the good guys can win. I’m being serious, I need that kind of news