- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
The only people you actually end up reaching are people with good intentions who don’t need to hear it in the first place. “Stop taking advantage of people” is a message which can usually be dispensed only by force. The moral panic over “toxic masculinity” did very little to affect those who actually caused problems, but a great deal to disenfranchise those who would actually make bad actors stop taking advantage of others.
- Comment on Medical Device Company Tells Hospitals They're No Longer Allowed to Fix Machine That Costs Six Figures 2 weeks ago:
People can understand the business case for something, but still disagree with the resulting behaviour. A large part of the issues people have with business is that things which are perfectly sensible legally result in antagonistic scenarios in practical application. I’d be willing to bet that people would be a lot less touchy about it if such legal considerations weren’t increasingly encroaching on their everyday lives through things like social media and consumer products.
- Comment on US bans controversial red food dye, decades after scientists raised alarm 3 weeks ago:
Try actually comprehending what you read. I’m saying it’s understandable that they’re giving companies time to adjust their formulas/processes. I have not once said the ban is a bad idea. Frankly, as my first comment stated quite clearly, I’m very happy this is happening.
- Comment on US bans controversial red food dye, decades after scientists raised alarm 3 weeks ago:
You really ought to learn to hold more than a single thought in your head at the same time. It’s a very valuable skill which helps navigate this crazy life, like recognizing in this case that there are ordinary people relying upon their jobs to feed their families who would be significantly harmed if the government were to focus exclusively on one thing only when making decisions.
- Comment on US bans controversial red food dye, decades after scientists raised alarm 3 weeks ago:
Yea man, lets swing around the power of government wildly to conform with whatever the headlines say today, absolutely and without mercy. I’m sure that will create a functional society.
- Comment on US bans controversial red food dye, decades after scientists raised alarm 3 weeks ago:
It’s kind of understandable though. It would be pretty shitty to tell companies using completely legal means that they have to immediately change their products and methods or shut down.
- Comment on US bans controversial red food dye, decades after scientists raised alarm 3 weeks ago:
Better late than never. Great to see some positive news.
- Comment on Meta kills diversity programs, claiming DEI has become “too charged” 4 weeks ago:
I suppose they’re attempting to survive what they see coming.
- Comment on What anime is in your PTW but haven't gotten a chance to watch it? 4 weeks ago:
I watched most of the first season of Mushishi, and ended up falling out of love with it. I’m not sure if it did ever end up going anywhere, but more than half way through there was still no cohesion or connection between episodes.
- Comment on 'Ending that completely': Facebook gets rid of fact-checkers in wake of Trump's election 4 weeks ago:
They “trust me” dumb fucks
They trusted that Zucker was a hell of a lot smarter than he actually is.
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 5 weeks ago:
You’re supposed to recognize their undisputed superiority and turn yourselves into automatons for their pleasure, having no other options available to you.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 5 weeks ago:
The dude has been plagued by scandals for the past decade. It’s honestly shocking that he managed to last this long.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 5 weeks ago:
There’s been a concerted effort over the last several decades to push a men vs women dynamic online, and most men don’t buy into it, so it’s really just been people shitting all over men without consequence.
- Comment on Why is it that clasped hands tends to be the norm for praying? 🙏 5 weeks ago:
Can’t speak for anyone else, but I personally like the feeling of two equal and opposite forces pushing against each other, cancelling each other out and creating a firm, unchanged, structure no matter how much force is applied. I do the same while doing squats sometimes, and it feels more stable.
- Comment on We like music because our brains crave pattern recognition. 5 weeks ago:
It’s absolutely worth an entire lifetime of exploration. But dismissing things you can’t explain away immediately with chemical processes, as some sort of unknowable sorcery is exactly why I call it reductive. As far as I’m concerned, maintaining a reverence for the fact that you will never be capable of conclusively explaining such things, because there is vastly more detail involved than even a thousand lifetimes could ever uncover, is necessary if you want to actually begin to learn about what’s really happening.
- Comment on We like music because our brains crave pattern recognition. 5 weeks ago:
Frankly, this kind of reductive deconstruction of human experience is a huge part of what’s going wrong with society. Music is created by people who dedicate themselves to exploring the world we experience, and discovering nuance which evoke feelings which can not be simply explained, betraying the existence of deeper layers of human experience than anything directly available to cold analysis. Certainly there are then those who copy the form of works created by such artists, who actually do treat music that way, but the result is like the output of a LLM, and repetition of such a style is like training AI on it’s own data, progressively degrading what was once there.
- Comment on If we're living in a simulation, why would the simulation creators allow the sims to ponder and speculate whether or not they live in a simulation? 1 month ago:
Like a limited ‘fake’ world edifice structured through legal fictions like money, which attempts to assert that it is significantly more pervasive than it actually is, through stories like The Matrix, to instill a sense of hopelessness upon anyone who even considers not submitting to it.
- Comment on Google says its new quantum chip indicates that multiple universes exist 1 month ago:
Not anymore!
- Comment on China's Xi warns 'no winners' in trade war with US 2 months ago:
That’s really cute coming from a country that engages in hostile behaviour as a standard practice.
- Comment on [Help] Trying to Find an anime 2 months ago:
Darling in the Franxx?
- Comment on Silenced and erased, Hong Kong's decade of protest is now a defiant memory 2 months ago:
Well, personally I do tend to listen to a broad selection of similar outlets, but whenever something catches my interest specifically I do some light digging to verify the primary sources they’re reporting on. Occasionally I’m not able to sort things out, but it’s actually quite shocking how many sensational stories will fall apart almost immediately when you look even a little bit deeper. Far too often, even just reading the article itself will actually debunk it’s own headline.
- Comment on Silenced and erased, Hong Kong's decade of protest is now a defiant memory 2 months ago:
That’s largely because you listen to media outlets run by them.
- Comment on Which will you choose? 2 months ago:
Remember: Corporate merchandise is what makes you happy!
- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 2 months ago:
That might actually be the most suspicious possible scenario you could have come up with.
- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 2 months ago:
I don’t think people would take it as anything else, regardless of what the media might say.
- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 2 months ago:
Well if the second president who has openly opposed the CIA is also assassinated, people might be a wee bit ticked off.
- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 2 months ago:
I don’t think you’d be in a very good mood for very long if that happened.
- Comment on Petition calls to ban Elon Musk's X in Europe 2 months ago:
There is a certain, disturbingly large, segment of the population which doesn’t even appear to attempt to think for themselves.
- Comment on Petition calls to ban Elon Musk's X in Europe 2 months ago:
Petition calls to ban hurt feelings
- Comment on Do the ultra-rich consume popular media? 2 months ago:
Talked to a mason once who informed me that one of the first rules they have is to never watch TV or listen to the radio.