Submitted 3 months ago by to
Submitted 3 months ago by to 3 months ago
I know it’s “just” a comic but I feel obligated to let every reader know that the burnt toast thing is a weird myth.
FAST: Face, Arms, Speech, Time. Check their smile, check if they can hold up both arms, check if they have slurred speech or can speak at all, and call emergency services asap because every second matters.
There is potentially life saving medication that can even reverse some effects of a stroke, but it is time sensitive. 3 months ago
I never saw burnt toast as an EMT. But I have seen people exhibit lots of aphasia, (expressive/receptive). People say some weird shit when they get water in their ipod. Frankly it’s a pretty scary symptom because the patient KNOWS they are receiving or emitting incorrectly, but can’t do anything about it 3 months ago
Thank you for your service to the public. 3 months ago
I’m guessing the toast thing came around from the possibility of damage to or disturbing the olfactory nerves if there’s increased pressure on them like from the brain swelling (possibly from a concussion) or from bleeding inside the braincase.
It makes sense on paper, but I doubt there would be many times a patient would be conscious at that point. 3 months ago
The burnt toast is likely a mistaken reference to a Canadian Heritage Minute about an epileptic woman who smelled burnt toast when she had seizures. A pioneering neurosurgeon kept his patients awake while probing their exposed brain to find and burn out malfunctioning nerves. It is actually epilepsy not a stroke that the burnt toast thing is associated with, not that everyone with epilepsy smells burnt toast, that was just the famous one that most Canadians of a certain age will know.
Here it is for anyone curious. 3 months ago
Yep, not a myth just a misremembering/misassocation. 3 months ago
What a wild experiment! Thanks for sharing
🤓 note
Snipping that Daddy Google tracker at end of URL 3 months ago
How soon does it need to be administered and do ambulances keep it on hand? 3 months ago
I am not qualified to answer those questions, but I know that if you tell emergency services that you think someone is having a stroke that’s one of the times an ambulance is going to be siren on, lights on, speeding through the streets.