Nadeshiko head empty
Who am I?
Submitted 2 weeks ago by to
Comments 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
What’s she from? Googling that name gave several results and none of them seemed like a match. 2 weeks ago
Like already confirmed, the anime is Yuru Camp.
The charachter is Nadeshiko Kagamihara. 2 weeks ago
My instant assumpion was yuru camp but I never watched this anime so I’m probably wrong. (I know, I’m not helping.) 2 weeks ago
Ok so first your gonna want to head straight onto Google maps and use that, I have no idea where anything is 2 weeks ago
I couldn’t name a single street in the city I’ve been born in except the ones I lived in. I’ve learned to navigate the city before I could read and never bothered to read street names thereafter.
The same goes for every other city, my mental map of cities includes almost no street names. Maybe that’s because I don’t use cars at all, after all I could name bus stations and such (some of which are named after streets, I guess, but I’ve still got no idea about how they connect or even which street of an intersection actually has the name). 2 weeks ago
“Sorry I’m not from here”.
Just be careful not to say that to the neighbor that just moved in. 2 weeks ago
“I can help you navigate the anime landscape though!” 2 weeks ago
Do people still ask other people for directions? 2 weeks ago
Yea?? 2 weeks ago
I see it in anime all the time! /s 2 weeks ago
It’s like over there past the thing next to the other thing but not past the other other thing.
Nope, sorry, I don’t know any of the names even though I walk here all the time.