Isn’t the entire plot of mass effect basically all the other races being a bit racist against humans? They also neutered Krogans, and fought a war to exterminate the Rachni.
At least 40k is upfront about the hate.
Submitted 4 months ago by to [deleted]
Isn’t the entire plot of mass effect basically all the other races being a bit racist against humans? They also neutered Krogans, and fought a war to exterminate the Rachni.
At least 40k is upfront about the hate.
Nah the Salarians neutered the Krogans. They uplifted the Krogan to beat back the Rachni only to turn on them afterwards. Whether or not the Krogan were expansive or betrayed is a “history written by the victor” scenario but what the Salarians did was straight genocide. The Batarians are assholes (especially that one piece of shit bartender in Afterlife) but they’re not responsible for what happened to the Krogan.
especially that one piece of shit bartender in Afterlife
Making him drink his own poison is mandatory
Hey now, they did tone down the Batarian racism after Mass Effect 2.
… mostly.
Did you send in the Human fleet to defend the Citadel from the Reapers, or did you hold back ensuring Humanity had the biggest fleet after the attack?
If they weren’t evil why do they have so many eyes??? 4 months ago
Image 4 months ago
I think one of the Shepard backgrounds was of a colonist kid who survived a slavers raiding party, something for which the Batarians are well known for. Add in the murdering soldier career option and yeah, I can see this happening…