- Comment on Microsoft Study Finds Relying on AI Kills Your Critical Thinking Skills 3 weeks ago:
Oh you can guarantee they won’t forget how to vote 😃
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
Keep in mind that the more muscle you build, the more energy it takes to move that muscle therefore the more calories you’ll burn during your activities through the day. It’s not necessarily about the calories you burn during the workout but the aggregate impact downstream.
I could be wrong though I don’t go to the gym lol.
- Comment on The life 4 weeks ago:
I upgraded my note 10+ to an s22 ultra thinking it would retain all the same shit but noooooo fucking Samsung decided to dropt he card slot and keep the internal storage the same. Fucking assholes. I just want the same fucking experience I had. I don’t want your ai bullshit. I don’t want 7 fucking cameras I just want my old phone with a pen that worked fine.
Only upgraded because the wireless charging stopped working, the screen got phantom touches in one specific spot (both known issues with note 10+) and the charge port wouldn’t work unless you had the cable in JUST right.
Anyway fuck you Samsung and someone else make a decent sized phone with a working stylus please.
- Comment on Samsung Galaxy devices are getting call recording in the US with One UI 7 2 months ago:
I think it was google that fucked it up. The newest (as of a long time back) version of Android broke it and I had to install a separate app to get ACR working again. And it never recorded their end properly unless I was on speaker or their side was somehow audible through my mic. So stupid.
- Comment on Half-Life 2 is currently 100% for its 20th anniversary 3 months ago:
- Comment on Terraria hits over 60 million sales with Terraria 1.4.5 shaping up to be another big update 4 months ago:
Nah Terraria Elseworld (otherworld?) fell through. It was going to be a spin-off/sequel before they cancelled it and later announced Terraria 2. T2 is still in development I believe (and pray).
- Comment on Racism 4 months ago:
Nah the Salarians neutered the Krogans. They uplifted the Krogan to beat back the Rachni only to turn on them afterwards. Whether or not the Krogan were expansive or betrayed is a “history written by the victor” scenario but what the Salarians did was straight genocide. The Batarians are assholes (especially that one piece of shit bartender in Afterlife) but they’re not responsible for what happened to the Krogan.
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
This is probably how I’ll die tbh
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
To quote Wikipedia:
It was later discovered to cause lung cancer, mesothelioma and also because of its fibrous structure; it breaks into lots of tiny little microscopic needles when agitated. Those little shards get inhaled and poke tiny holes in your lungs which causes Asbestosis (kind of like Emphysema for smokers).
- Comment on Data is a plural 5 months ago:
- Comment on I make games and this literally happened to me this morning 5 months ago:
As someone who is also awkwardly treading the line between being a soulless hack and trying to get my work noticed by literally anyone: please edit your top comment with a link to your game.
I mean it. I can’t even muster the courage to post my renders to Instagram without feeling like some desperate influencer goof.
- Comment on LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers | LG's TV business is heightening focus on selling ads and tracking 5 months ago:
The fact that shrink-wrapped agreements aren’t automatically void worldwide is a fucking abomination. No you shouldn’t get to push a legally binding contract on me after I paid for the product. It’s my property now and if you want to require a license agreement after the sale then I should be able to decline it for a full refund fuck you.
- Comment on The mod who bypass' the PSN login for God of War Ragnarök got removed on Nexus Mods 5 months ago:
When I bought Fallouts 1, 2 and Tactics from EB like 15 years ago I couldn’t run them even with the disc in the drive. The shitty securom was broken and refused to recognise the disc. It was only thanks to pirates that I was able to crack them and play the copies I fucking paid money for.
DRM is cancer.
- Comment on A Reminder 5 months ago:
But that’s not… Halloween isn’t… Ugh nevermind.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
You don’t think House of the Dead was a cinematic masterpiece? Tsk tsk! Poor taste I say!
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
I’m not disagreeing with you because I know terms like classic are entirely relative but holy shit referring to fortnight as a classic nearly triggered a mid-life crisis. Holy hell. Ow.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
Hear hear. Soul was a great movie because it was fun for kids but spoke to adults. Pixar does that a lot. A good kids movie is just a good movie that’s appropriate for children. Sure you can feed kids entertainment slop and it might even make bank but if you’re trying to make a film and not just a vehicle for the line to go up then slop is not it.
- Comment on No Man's Sky adds fishing, a fishing skiff, a new expedition, deep-sea diving and loads more 5 months ago:
I think they redid the oceans a couple years back. I don’t remember how deep they are but they were more interesting than before with underwater base building and stuff.
- Comment on Average game chat censorship 6 months ago:
Two best examples were:
Total War censoring the username Nasser to N***er
Gamefreak banning their own Pokemon (Cofagrigus) from online play unless you renamed it first.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
Furthermore, if the manufacturer wants to pretend that they’re selling you a perpetual license to use the hardware or whatever legal bullshit they came up with on the back of a cocktail napkin then they can’t advertise using the words buy, own or anything similar without explicitly indicating in the largest font that you aren’t the owner of the product.
- Comment on 8 Minutes 6 months ago:
What I wanna know is if gravitational waves travel at the speed of light all the time or are they influenced by media like light.
- Comment on What song would cause you to do this to yourself ? 7 months ago:
Pepper by Butthole Surfers.
I’m very impressionable.
- Comment on Most important map 7 months ago:
Legit forgot the name for a second. I was frantically scrolling across Europe for a reminder.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
Sounds like something the Department of Labour could legislate… Or could have.
But the supreme court just ruled that this falls under the courts jurisdiction and there’s a snowflakes chance in hell that a case pushed high and far enough will result in those ghouls will rule in favour of labour interests.
- Comment on Considering the Heavy involvement of CGI in today's action films, shouldn't we consider them to be just hyper realistic cartoon films ? 8 months ago:
There’s also a lot of difference in mocap vs traditional animation. When characters are animated they follow certain principles that aren’t realistic but result in pleasant and entertaining movement. Real humans and creatures don’t behave this way.
So when animators are working on live action films they have to carefully balance the adherence to these principles with the realism of the scene.
There’s obviously liberties taken (the mocap data is always cleaned up before being applied to a character) but think of the difference between an explosion in a Michael Bay film vs one caught on someone’s camera in real life.
- Comment on Street Fighter Movie Finally Has A Solid Release Date | Retro Dodo 8 months ago:
Nothing could possibly top Raul Julia’s performance as Bison. One 1994 Street Fighter movie is worth 5 2026 Street Fighter films!
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
One thing that always jumps out to me with each of these is that these videos are all just a sequence of 3 second clips stitched together.
I know all film consists of discrete shots edited into a larger piece but there’s something mechanical about these. Like I’m watching a slide show that’s just been placed in chronological order.
- Comment on Remember when the body washes contained literal micro plastics and were advertised as such? 10 months ago:
Abrasives. Same thing as charcoal. Tiny hard particles help remove gunk when you brush them against something.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
No they do it for free. These aren’t paid assets they’re angsty disaffected teens.
- Comment on It's kinda wild that still exists 11 months ago:
The only limit is yourself