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Conservatives have already said that they want to inspect children’s genitals, so it’s only a matter of time until they start arguing that they want to regularly inspect women’s genitals as well to “protect unborn children” 4 months ago
Thus, for the time being, if you’re in the US or some other nation that has issues with women’s health, do not take your phone to the abortion clinic with you, or turn it off and stuff it in a Faraday cage until you’re at least a block away. 4 months ago
That’s not enough, a better idea is to, somehow, poison the location data. Otherwise by disabling location tracking you still leak the information that you are going to a clinic. 4 months ago 4 months ago
Or you can disable it from time to time at random when you’re doing something innocuous, and obscure the pattern that way. Which is probably easier for the average person than figuring out a second method of tampering with their phone. 4 months ago
Maybe clinics should start mailing out Faraday pouches ahead of appointments?
I’m sure they don’t need the extra expense but this is fucked up. 4 months ago
They could just work that into the cost of service. So you make an appointment and it costs whatever amount it costs. And that cost also includes the mailing to you of a Faraday bag. 3 months ago
In fact customer faraday cage are not protecting us, the only option would be to block waves from the very low to the very high, in other words, military grade. Good luck.