Bravo to the quick response.
Being upside down for too long could have turned out baaaad. Reminded me of that kid who got stuck in those Nutty Putty caves.
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Bravo to the quick response.
Being upside down for too long could have turned out baaaad. Reminded me of that kid who got stuck in those Nutty Putty caves.
Gosh the Nutty Putty Caves thing is awful and breaks my heart every time seeing the diagram of how the kid was trapped and couldn’t be rescued.
Good reminder to always prep your children for safety in all their endeavors.
Yup. So happy to see she was rescued with only a few minor bumps and scratches in the end.
Or that other kid that got stuck upside down in the back of his car. Emergency services couldn’t find him in time and he died.
Oh she was so lucky. Look up ‘suspension trauma’ and then look up some cute kittens.
Never go after a phone and don’t wait an hour to call for help
Not the James Franco we deserve, but the James Franco we need right now. 4 months ago
Phones continue to have unprecedented health consequences.
on one hand, that’s confidence in your own abilities so cool. On the other, holy shit that’s a long time to wait before deciding to call in expertise and equipment.
Grief hangs heavy over the triumph of rescue. 4 months ago
If you read the story, her companion had to hike out, then drive into reception to call 000. She didn’t just wait for a hour.
Imagine being in that situation, knowing that you aren’t alone and the only person with you leaves for ages while you are upside down trapped between 2 rocks. Stuff that. This lady will surely have PTSD and claustrophobia after that experience. 4 months ago
Honestly I’d rather not imagine it as it sounds unpleasant. I’d rather make silly jokes about phones and move on with my life because investing time worrying about one person who was fine in the end seems less fun than telling jokes.