Title. I have quite a few on my backlog but I’m always looking for inde recs especially. :)
Wildermyth is somewhere between a tactical combat game and a role-playing game, and quite good.
Solasta: Crown of the Magister has caught my attention, but I haven’t played it yet.
Dragon Age: Origins is good, and although not on sale, is old enough that full price is not bad. (I don’t know if the EULA is tolerable, though; I don’t think it was there when I played it.)
pyrflie@lemm.ee 5 months ago
AMillionMonkeys@lemmy.world 5 months ago
I’ll second Tyranny and Pillars 2.
Tyranny’s ending is… well… they tacked on some text - but it’s a great game otherwise.
PoE2 is more enjoyable than the first one, IMO, just for the lighter tone. They do a better job of explaining the world, too, because you aren’t bludgeoned with lore-dumps like in 1.
finestnothing@lemmy.world 5 months ago
When you said poe2 I thought you meant path of exile 2 and thought that I had missed the release somehow
JayEchoRay@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Pathfinder WoTR is an overall improvement, but Pathfinder Kingmaker also has its charms.
It feels like playing a DnD campaign with the developers acting as the DM.
It does require some metagaming if one wants to experience everything, it does have an ending act that drags on for too long, it can feel oppressive with the disaster timers ticking away while one is still trying to figure out a rhythm and it can end up with things spiraling into danger if one doesn’t “rush” and plan around each main act quest.
It is one of those rough games that does have a certain appeal to those that do not mind working through the frustrations for a more grounded adventure - relative to the setting.
Tyranny, from a world building experience was great, felt like it was short an act though as I got to the final act and thought - “wait, what is that it?”
Also it is refreshing to have a game where morality is fluid and open to interpretatio and up to the player to rationalise their actions, where the decisions lean more towards following an ideology more than morality
For a Warhammer cRPG, Rogue Trader is something to consider as well as it captures the feel of its setting pretty well
jjjalljs@ttrpg.network 5 months ago
I also really liked pillars 2, and am sad they’re not making a third one.
ampersandrew@lemmy.world 5 months ago
I’d second Pillars of Eternity II except that it’s not actually on sale. It also doesn’t have gamepad controls, which is disappointing, so Steam Deck controls can be kind of slow.