- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
Firstly, I feel offended you reduced the giant mecha vs a dragon cinematic to robot vs a doll army :P
Ff9 did the “all powerful god” but it is really a wtf out of no where momement that can feel jarring with the themes of the game - a ludonarrative narrative dissonance, unless I missed some obscure reference to it somewhere
I would argue that ff6 wrote a less jarring “kill a god” fight:
Although pulling ideas from christianity, it has a psychopathic clown ascend to godhood, shatter the world and sit a top his “heavenly throne” shooting god rays from the sky on a whim The fight then is a series of killing his “angels” before finally destroying him and shattering his “heaven”
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
That is a shame, I would have thought that she would have some measure of control after the events of the first game
Especially, since the burden she was carrying was lifted.
I guess she has a severe case of the “blessing” that she disassociates with reality regularly and is unable to discern what is real and what is not as she lives a life of what she thinks is real as truth. I guess I can see that happening without any form of medication or therapy and only having her own thoughts to live with after the traumatic events of her past
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
FF 8 Spoiler Response
___ If I recall, Squall sees a defeated Ultimecia staggering and ready to pass her powers on before dying, but Edea stops him from finishing her off They sort of have a conversation and SeeD is mentioned and young Squall comes running to Edea Rinoa grew on me, at first hated the brattiness but over time she grew on me as a character who acts a blunt force determined to break Squall out of his shell. The Ragnarok scene and her becoming a sorceress locked her in as she matured and leaned on Squall for support in a reversal of her wanting to be his support and Squall being more “human” The real love story is Zell and Hot Dogs (oh, almost forgot, Pig-tail girl) Laguna and Raine was a lot more wholesome and mature with it not having any internal drama. The drama is more external elements leading to a more the bitter sweet tale of Laguna accomplishing his mission but living with guilt of his failures
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
FF8 spoiler response
Yeah, I agree especially with her being a tragic character her final lines sounds line someone desperate: “Recall a memory from your childhood. The sensations, emotions, the words from back then. Growing up means leaving something behind and throwing something away. Time will not wait, no matter how hard you hold onto it, it escapes you. And …”, especially considering how Ellone’s powers work I think it is repeated (at least once already) or she achieved some form of omnipotence with her time compression as her plans seem to have a definitive goal to them like she knows who to look for (Adel and Ellone) and what to do to achieve her ends. Edea (forgot her name) probably still had enough power to “guide” her a bit but ultimately she was overpowered most likely, until Ultimecia released her power to hop to the next one. Yeah, Squall could have finished that in a few ways - although, I guess seeing Ultimecia survive (especially after she implanted that final thought, in retrospect), his instincts probably didn’t want to take the chance of her time hopping again and wanted the time line to be prepared. Also he couldn’t kill an innocent person either and risk one of the orphans getting the power as Edea tells him The love story between Squall and Rinoa can be melodramatic, but it is done well enough with Rinoa peeling away the layers of edge off of Squall. Laguna and Raine though, I agree was a lot better and I think Raine understood the type of person Laguna was and supported him - her personality was like his in some ways. She probably saw Ellone as a daughter as well and knew how far he would go to protect her, which is why she probably kept her pregnancy quiet to not distract him on his quest to save their “daughter”.
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
I do agree on it being a great game, and she fights gods on her way to her final goal but
___ she doesn’t really fight any gods though - it is all in her head
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
___ In a way, I guess technically her goal was very godlike as she wanted to control and compress time to create a favourable timeline for herself. That goal however just created a self-fulling circular loop prophesy as her fear of SeeD was ultimately her demise. As for the time shenanigans: - Her being killed by your group in the future leads to her essence finding Cid’s Wife as a host in the past - Leads to the founding of SeeD - Introduce main character and group for the game - Leads to perpetuating a cycle I suppose one can think of her desperately trying to win a time loop and going mad from failure
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
Haven’t finished 1,2,3 but spoilers below:
Ff4 - have to stop a vengeful manifestation of an advanced race Ff5 - stopping a tree Ff6 - stopping a clown’s divinity Ff7 - well, that is more an alien with support from the spirit of the planet protecting itself Ff8 - sorceressess and time shenanigans Ff9 - ends with an abrupt challenge from a death god to convince it not to delete the current universe Ff10 - and be transported to a land where a dominant religion is enforced through the power of a wmd that is maintained by “faith” Ff12 - prevent the folly of a man trying to become a god, through the power of a renegade of the universe godhood pantheon Ff13 - become pawns of higher beings wanting to stop the nihilism of one of its brethen tired of the infinite cycle
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
I would say anyone interested in the game a general rule of thumb would be trash mobs and easy fights = real time and bosses and difficult fights turn based.
One can luckily change that on the fly.
I mean if one is confident in their micro, then one can do most of the game in real time, but the game does have enemy encounters that just feel unfair when fighting real time while feeling better tuned in turn based.
Good game though as one journeys through one of initially 2 “ascension” paths that can eventually branch out into one of 10 different paths as one takes the fight against, technically, gods - but not in the heavenly sense.
- Comment on Patient gamers, what is your favorite Prince of Persia game and why? 3 months ago:
I can only guess being dark and broody or “Bad Boys are cool heroes” was the trend at the time
A time where trying to be “edgy” was hitting a desired target market - a time Ubisoft put effort in their games trying to push boundaries.
Now that I think about it was also a time where games had to try new things because the target market hadn’t exploded in volume yet as well
- Comment on Patient gamers, what is your favorite Prince of Persia game and why? 3 months ago:
The original 3D Prince of Persia trilogy - If I had to pick one I liked the most ( or left the strongest impression), then Warrior Within for the shear guilty pleasure of using time powers to hear what the Dahaka says to the Prince when it is chasing him and the story of the angsty, emo prince being knocked down a peg and starts the decision to take responsibility for his actions
Specifically “killing” his old self and confronting Dahaka in a show of him finally deciding to challenge his fate instead of running away
I will admit Sands of Time had the most engaging story though and that The Two Thrones shook up the formula a bit with the a bigger focus on combat with the transformation ( which is a like a meta-narrative nod to the changes the Prince undertook over the course of the trilogy)
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 166 [END] 3 months ago:
Yeah, seems Reddit has a different take, ranging from rage to dissapointed…mmmm, I guess you could say it is a real life version of the pressure of the media where you have people who look to find deeper meaning in a work and you have others who take a more surface look or react emotionally with them comparing the work to others that left them disappointed.
Almost like Love Today or Tokyo Blade
Shows you why Aqua decided to try bury all his family trouble with him
All I can think of is people carrying expectation from Aka’s other work and how his earlier stories proverbially poisoned the well so to speak - as there seems there is a feeling of Aka not being able to “end a series”.
Cannot help but think of the Manga artist scenes at the start of the play arc and how it is re-enacting it self out.
People loved the characters and are probably dissappointed in not receiving the payout they felt they deserved or expected from the personal investment in the story.
I say fair enough, hope no one takes it too far then the show becomes too real, but I have to try accept that not everything clicks with people like same way things do not click with me
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 166 [END] 3 months ago:
That is a nice take on a meta-narrative level as the most powerful moments have shown how “popular” tragedy is as, I for one when thinking back, has it’s strongest points anchored around tragedy with Aqau’s moments that draw in the audience throughout the series, Akane’s tipping point, Ruby’s channeling of her darkness, Melt’s acrobatic display, even Kana with how people were gravitated by her acting born from her channeling her pain ( with her trying to overcome it through her feelings for Aqua and how that also manifested in a positive way,somewhat, in the play) and heck even Kamiki seemed to be successful despite his proclivities.
There are examples with almost all the characters showing how the industry has effected them in some way, most of it being tragedy or dealing with its reality and trying to work within the system.
It shows how we, as humans, seem fascinated by the darkness and how captivated people are by those able to channel that or overcome it.
The industry knows this and it is eager to profit off of it just as much as it is eager to profit off those that know how to “play the game”.
One needs to adapt, be strong and endure the suffering and through that can one’s strength of character be radiant but that is contrasted by how ruthless the industry is as well, as people are quick to come to conclusions and how powerful that pressure is as people resort to all sorts of terrible ideas and actions in pursuit of trying to find meaning from that pressure - which can dangerously become their crutch as the industry expectation bears down on the individual.
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 166 [END] 3 months ago:
It is personal opinion and all, but I liked it - not mind blowing but satisfying enough… it started with lies to make one happy, and ended with lies making one happy - although Ruby seems to be living with lies with some depth born from love whereas Ai lied to find love and tried to love in that deception.
Kana seems to have find peace in her regret and probably processes it through her acting like how she used her mother.
Ruby did what her mother couldn’t which is bitter sweet but a dream was realised, in multiple ways if one wants to intepret the brighter stars as her playing to her intended audience.
Overall, satisfied with the conclusion as I can try to fill in the blanks on my own with my own narrative based off what the series showed what the characters are capable of and it brings to an end the journey of follow them
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 165 3 months ago:
True, especially since they have a confession with a list of suspects that are not connected to the incident but to murders related to Kamiki and it probably looks like a case of the one murder he decides to get involved in to finish off Aqua as he is his son, but Aqua could have been prepared because of the movie research - kind of line of investigating
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 165 3 months ago:
As the expression goes, paraphrased: “When plotting revenge against your enemy dig two graves. One for your enemy and one for yourself.”
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 164 4 months ago:
True, I am sure if Aqua didn’t kiss her that time they found his body Akane would have probably pieced together the Aqua/Gorou link.
Overall lots of pain incoming,especially as you said, for Kana who has made Aqua her “star” and I sure Ruby will also not handle it well either.
Who know maybe B-Komachi performs at the Dome as a send off with Kana doing one last performance in Aqua’s memory.
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 164 4 months ago:
Thanks for confirming, I saw the finale text and I was left feeeling like something was missing and didn’t check if more was coming
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 164 4 months ago:
Really felt like it needs an epilogue as my first reaction was thinking it ended too quickly I don’t mind the outcome, although I do feel like it needs another chapter or two to really close up how everyone else must be feeling besides the reaction to the news. I guess I would like something like a funeral or something to close up the story up neatly, although not doing that does make Akane’s scene stand out: Image
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 163 4 months ago:
Feel uneasy if this was Aqua’s final moments like “see the tunnel” experience.
Its set up in a way where Aqua/Gorou can die and his spirit fades away or he is being brought back to life and he is comes back as Aquamarine Hoshino as Sarina’s key chain is left behind which I feel is like saying Gorou’s part of him has finally found a reason to move on and allow him to be Aqua and act his age.
- Comment on Request for CRPGs recs on the current Steam sale 4 months ago:
I am kind of the subborn idiot that initially struggled with the tutorial, but struggled enough to learn what it was it was trying to teach.
I remember and know it from failing, leaning and trying different things seeing what works.
The three starting default characters all have something they are good at and looking at those - all three are meant to get through the tutorial, although Norg is the most straight forward approach.
As I said before, it is not the best and they could have done a better job, yes.
It can leave one feeling annoyed that their gun character struggles - sure
Can it suck knowing you have to put some token effort into a melee skill if you do not want to sneak around or evade the enemies - indeed
But my point is that, regardless of its poorer presentation, especially when put up against Fallout 1’s tutorial, there is more than one way to do it other than pure brute force.
- Comment on Request for CRPGs recs on the current Steam sale 4 months ago:
While I agree the tutorial is rough for something meant to teach, it can be done with different playstyles.
Although having some form of melee combat does make the experience a lot less frustrating and can save a lot on time spent trying to hit the enemies, but I think enemies have like 5 ap or so which one can avoid most of them on an agility build by outspeeding them.
A determined person could probably get through it without fighting as a challenge I guess as an agility and stealth focus.
There is a lock pick and explosive tutorial that are mandatory but aren’t too difficult and then there is a trap room which can be a problem if one is low on perception.
The final challenge can have the guy be talked down with enough speech
For ease of getting through it, strength or agility with a melee skill will make it a lot easier though.
- Comment on Epic roguelike Caves of Qud gets a tutorial Beta and the price goes up soon 4 months ago:
Clearly you didn’t mutate enough :P
Although the mutant aspect is a rabbit hole and a game unto itself once one draws attention to themselves.
Just embrace pure humanity instead and get yourself one of those fancy shields implants hooked in with decent power generation and you too can punch pyramids.
Its also been awhile, but the character that I was able to finish the story fully embraced augmentation in all its glory and was almost as good as a mutant with the benefit of plug and play setup to mix things up as a reward for all the token hunting.
- Comment on Request for CRPGs recs on the current Steam sale 4 months ago:
Pathfinder WoTR is an overall improvement, but Pathfinder Kingmaker also has its charms.
It feels like playing a DnD campaign with the developers acting as the DM.
It does require some metagaming if one wants to experience everything, it does have an ending act that drags on for too long, it can feel oppressive with the disaster timers ticking away while one is still trying to figure out a rhythm and it can end up with things spiraling into danger if one doesn’t “rush” and plan around each main act quest.
It is one of those rough games that does have a certain appeal to those that do not mind working through the frustrations for a more grounded adventure - relative to the setting.
Tyranny, from a world building experience was great, felt like it was short an act though as I got to the final act and thought - “wait, what is that it?”
Also it is refreshing to have a game where morality is fluid and open to interpretatio and up to the player to rationalise their actions, where the decisions lean more towards following an ideology more than morality
For a Warhammer cRPG, Rogue Trader is something to consider as well as it captures the feel of its setting pretty well
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 162 5 months ago:
I really like how they made use of the eyes and contrast
Kamiki, losses his “darkness” to only be engulfed by it as he could not let go of his fleeting moment of brief happiness Ai brought, which ultimately became the “weight” that dragged him with the karma of his actions coming full circle.
Also how his life revolved around keeping things in place to chase a memory. It was a selfish gesture to make himself happy
Meanwhile, Aqua has two “white”, albeit fading, lights showing how he has finally found full clarity in his actions and can actually find true peace in what he achieved, his “weight” has been lifted as he can finally feel like that pit that has made his life horrible is finally gone as he frames his life away from darkness in revenge, to finding light in living for someone else.
They are both selfish, but the difference is one took life to chase happiness and the other gave their life for someone else’s happiness.
(Still feel Aqua has a good chance at living as he was floating to the surface, but who knows how it ends)
- Comment on Valkyrie Profile, 5 months ago:
Seems I got a fairly good idea from your answer and OPs post.
Seems VP1 is more optimistic in its outlook by comparison as your companions seemed to have already been qualified to be tested to join the ranks for Ragnarök. But seems to place more value on an individual character as it has effect on the meta-narrative value.
I do know that CotP deals with some pretty heavy topics of the reality of the period and I did appreciate that rawness to it as it helped sell the setting and provide sufficient investment to see how far the rabbit hole went.
- Comment on Valkyrie Profile, 5 months ago:
I have only played Covenant of the Plume - not sure that falls in the franchise - and I recall that game was grounded in human politics and the exploring the personal stories of the characters one interacts with.
It seems to be a more personal journey as the characters that one has access to and what type of story arc one plays is decided by the decisions one makes through the story and having to weigh the value of human life against a backdrop of colourful characters.
Seems the games are similiar in concept and design with some differing gameplay mechanics
- Comment on [Discussion] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 161 5 months ago:
Kamiki: Smugly All according to the plan
Aqua: I am Karma, I am become Death
Kamiki : What?
Aqua does the thing of confronting Kamiki with his two favourite murder methods
I am enjoying the manga with its symbolism and all, although I am more for the exploration of the human condition than the supernatural elements
Liked the introspection of peace and compassion from Aqua before commiting to the bit - nice moment of reflection on how heavy and commited he has been to enact his revenge but done with a lighter tone showing him being honest with himself and finding clarity in thought.
- Comment on Jade Empire, the prototype for Mass Effect 5 months ago:
I played it a long time ago, but still recall how the way of open fist and closed fist symbolized I guess concepts
Closed Fist, was a philosophy selfish desire and domination with the ideal of only the strongest getting to make the rules
Whereas open fist was selflessness with the ideal that one’s strength is only as strong as the weakest link
The morality was binary choice with the environments changing somewhat accordingly, but I recall it having a more noticable effect on the “kung-fu” you could learn and it was an interesting mechanic to try and match one’s fighting style to the philosophy one follows.
I recall open-fist felt more disciplined and “soft” in its impact whereas closed-fist had a more viseral feel with the intent to cause harm and show superiority
Although the choice was either open or closed fist it did leave a stronge impact on how different the ending sequence played out which at the time was something I really felt impressed with as the difference in tone during the last moments - showcasing that both paths can achieve the goal.
I think Mass Effect probably had its early roots, in regards to morality system, from Jade Empire with influence from KOTOR as well.
- Comment on [DISC] Oshi no Ko - Ch. 159 5 months ago:
Happy with the confirmation with the questions I was pondering in regards to Kamiki with the earlier panel in, i think 154, where his “black eyes” were ablaze showing he was putting in a “star” level performance selling and even convincing people (and judging by what I have seen been said about him before this point) of his lies
- Comment on What are your thoughts on Warframe? 5 months ago:
It is a grindy game, eventually you will need to make use of platinum ( premium currency) to unlock slots for warframes, weapons, pets, skins, convenience items like forma( item used to allow great customisation of frames and weapons and resets forma’d object back to level 1) and there are a few other things spending platinum on mostly for slots, but that is in spoiler terriority to mention.
One can farm stuff most of the stuff if you have the time and patience, besides the “prime” version of mods and weapons and warframes.
Prime stuff is essentially the “best” version of something and considered “best in slot” for the space it takes( prime mods are a bit more complicated in regards “best”)
The prime mods one gets from a trader that pops up every 2 weeks and exchanges currency that is earned by cashing in prime parts for currency and use the currency to buy from the trader.
Prime warframes and weapons are rotated over time and put in a “vault” when its time has run its course. There are a few primes that not vaulted, but for the most part one just has to wait if they are looking for a specific prime.
Platinum can be traded for items, but is probably best to trade platinum on the unofficial market site.
Generally it is a good game with good gameplay, but is very, for lack of better word “gated” by a lot of timers and daily caps that either the impatient can use premium currency push through either by buying the stuff they want or speeding up the forging process