Coal is on it’s deathbed the world over.
With the price solar and batteries are going gas is going to be dead very soon in places that don’t have European winter solar potential.
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Coal is on it’s deathbed the world over.
With the price solar and batteries are going gas is going to be dead very soon in places that don’t have European winter solar potential.
Coal is used in steel and plastics. It’s not going anywhere
Yeah, but from the two billion tonnes a year of steel that’s produced, about five percent is carbon added to iron, and about half of that remains in the final product, so that’s about fifty million tonnes released to atmosphere. Whereas about three and a half billion tonnes of coal was burned for power, and that all ends up in the air. A seventy-fold reduction is quite significant; means we can selectively close the higher-sulfur-content mines for an even better improvement in air quality.
Coal? But I thought the article said it was a Soar Power Station? Oh…
More coal for China to burn manufacturing disposable junk for us to buy! 4 months ago
That’s a great milestone to reach! 4 months ago
Fantastic for the health of the surrounding community too.