California’s governor has vetoed a bill that would have required all new cars to beep at drivers when they speed.
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California’s governor has vetoed a bill that would have required all new cars to beep at drivers when they speed.
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That’s just gonna piss people off
Man you know what else pisses people off: the fact that speeding kills 33 Americans every day.[1]
Yup, and this is still just gonna piss people off.
I generally liked Scott Weiner’s legislation but am glad this bill was vetoed.
My RAV4 already detects the limit sign, displays the posted speed on the dash, and turns that limit red when traveling 10 over. It makes me aware of what the limit is without a distracting beep that could be confused with other warnings already implemented like rapidly slowing traffic ahead.
Safety Saturation is a real thing. If the car starts beeping for going with the flow of a traffic then drivers just start ignoring them all.
I want like a video game hud to show up on the windshield that turns red when it’s 10 over. I hate not knowing what the speed limit is and having to guess
You could always pay attention to road signs and remember the last speed limit sign you saw.
Just saying.
Why did he veto that? The bill sounds like a good idea to me. Two tons of steel travelling over the speed limit is absolutely dangerous for all. If the driver is careless enough to not obey safety laws, they at least deserve to be annoyed by a beeping speedometer, no?
The downvotes on this comment are a testament to the privilege of drivers. It’s crazy how good people, who would otherwise not break the law, believe it’s their right to speed. And before someone tells me it’s a victimless crime I’ll remind everyone that speeding kills both those inside and outside of your car.
Do you legitimately believe getting in an accident going the speed limit on the highway is less dangerous than 5 or 10 mph hours over?
Yep. N the pussies downvoting aren’t even providing an explanation as to why. The answer to “why” is exactly as you said- they don’t give a shit about people outside their car. It’s their god given right to speed lmao.
We have this in Europe for new cars, and the issue everyone expects is that cars are terrible at accurately knowing the speed limit. Current cars often can already show what they think the speed limit is, but it’s often inaccurate due to missing a sign or road crossing, or any other software/image recognition problems. Which means you’re bound to get false positives, causing drivers to turn off the warnings each time. 4 months ago
Holy shit that would have been annoying. Thanks Gav 4 months ago
Or you could just stop speeding. If you think that breaking the law and taking the risk of injuring/killing another human being is more important than a little annoyance, you should get your priorities straight. 4 months ago 4 months ago
It’s a good idea on paper, but the reality of implementing it would be disastrous. I’m all for people slowing the fuck down and driving safer, but this method wouldn’t work. 4 months ago
Going “the speed limit” is in fact not always the safest option. Where I live EVERYONE is going at least 10 over on the freeways, and I mean everyone. If you are going the speed limit here, you are adding danger to those around you because now you’re an obstacle. Now if this were something they could implement on all cars at once it might make sense, but it would only affect new vehicles.