- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 week ago:
Unless it costs you $15k+ to upgrade your house to 220 :/. Ask me how I know
- Comment on Annoyed Redditors tanking Google Search results illustrates perils of AI scrapers | "Spreading misinformation suddenly becomes a noble goal," Redditor says. 4 months ago:
Boaty Mcboatface (2016) is slightly newer in the history of Reddit meming compared to “upvote this picture of foo so it shows up in google for bar”. Those go back as more than 11 years ago to when people were posting swasticas to make Office Depot look bad (2013) followed by the same meme being done to comcast 8 years ago also in 2016 which might be why you thought of boatface.
- Comment on Super hero movies should have more scenes of them accidentally maiming people just because of the sheer amount of power they weild. 5 months ago:
The first incredibles movie was made before Pixar was bought by Disney
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
I was replying specifically in the context of the original question. Unraid already has their services tooling built out over containers so this person already is probably using containerized versions of the arr services. It would be overkill to go build vms for these services specifically for what you said. They don’t need to be windows or osx, they don’t need hardware passthrough, they don’t need a full kernel.
That aside. You absolutely can run containers as a full isolated kernel and directly map hardware to them. CGroups absolutely allows for those use cases. You may not be using docker anymore but docker is more of a crutch for beginners who probably dont need those things.
One example of this in the real world are COS and Bottlerocket which are literally distributions of Linux where even core is components are individually running under different containers via cgroups. COS runs on every GKE cluster in the world and bottlerocket on most EKS clusters.
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
I can break one container without breaking all of them? I can run them in isolated container networks and even isolated cgroups if I want to. Docker hides a lot of the core reasons tools like jails and chroot and eventually LXC were created but containers absolutely can do the things you are using vms for if you are willing to learn how they work
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
I built my recommendation around the likelihood this person is already using docker and therefore already has containers that would be extremely easy to run without unraid. There would be less lift to use the same config files and volume mounting they are already using.
Operationally though I would never run vms and containers in the same orchatrated system. Look at what they are asking to do. Why would you run sonarr as a container and radarr as a vm. Obviously they are going to end up just doing one or the other
- Comment on Looking to move on from Unraid, need suggestions. 5 months ago:
I legitimately don’t understand the trendiness of proxmox given that vms are overkill compared to containers. If you are migrating from unraid you are likely already using the docker version of all your arr services so going and spinning up vms feels like a step backwards.
You can either use the exact same containers and use systemd to run them as raw services or use something like docker compose or dozens of other tools to orchestrate them. I use k8s but can’t recommend it with a straight face after taking down VMs for being overkill (very different kinds of overkill but still)
- Comment on AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data - Nature 7 months ago:
This will drive billions into refining the surveillance state. They now know they need genuine original human interaction and will do everything possible to capture everything from texts to cctv footage
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
OP is not entirely wrong. At least in Linux land you can now implement EDR like functionality entirely with EBPF without installing a fucking rootkit. So traditional EDR products are a grift if you are on the bleeding edge.
- Comment on Americans say they need to earn $186K to live comfortably — but is it enough? 8 months ago:
Oh fuck me I missed that zero. Thanks, this is what I get for doing all that math on my phone scratch pad
Well, I’ll just grab the top 50 cities and it’s the same point.
The whole point is a shit load of people live in a very tiny space relative to the total size of the country as a whole. This drives online conversion around how expensive things are since online we actually interact with people from all over.
- Comment on Americans say they need to earn $186K to live comfortably — but is it enough? 8 months ago:
Population of top 10 most expensive cities
- New York City, New York: 8,467,513
- Los Angeles, California: 3,849,297
- San Francisco, California: 815,201
- Honolulu, Hawaii. Population: 1,000,890
- Washington, D.C. Population: 670,050
- Boston, Massachusetts: 654,776
- San Diego, California: 1,381,611
- San Jose, California: 983,489
- Seattle, Washington: 733,919
- Miami, Florida: 439,890
Total Poulation: 18,996,636 Total US population: 33,300,000 Minimum Total percent of US population living with this issue: 57%
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Bit shifting is not malicious on its own. Bit shifting to specifically conceal the purpose of your policy violating code from the auditors who audit the apps submitted to the App Store is malicious.
It’s about why you are doing it and what you are doing with it and not that it’s bit shifting on it’s own.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
This. We tried to ban windows and literally the ELT blocked it because they personally didn’t want to learn MacOS despite the entire engineering, product, and medical team being on it. We now keep having to pay more for audits and for security solutions for the 15 people refusing to get off windows in mostly the finance part of the company
- Comment on Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo 9 months ago:
If every single software a company licensed to produce a video game required this, you would be waiting an hour to see the start menu. Don’t let any company do this or they all will.
- Comment on Move UnRaid from metal to Proxmox 9 months ago:
I was suggesting to do neither and run the container directly. Putting k8s on top of lxc is still completely stupid. Just run k8s bare metal to operate your containers.
- Comment on Move UnRaid from metal to Proxmox 9 months ago:
Run docker within lxc within proxmox. This gave me an aneurism. You’ve lost the whole point of not actually virtualizing with containers by putting in two layers deep in virtualization. At this point your shit is so convoluted why don’t you just run kubernetes
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
Joe Biden wrote and voted to pass the very bill that makes student loans immune to bankruptcy as part of BAPCPA back in the 2005 when he was a senator.
Learn the voting and bill submission history of your politicians you utter fuckng moron
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
Yeah. There are two kinds of loan as part of the federal loan program. Subsidized and unsubsidized. You get granted a pool of loans from both kinds when you apply for aid. The unsubsidized loans accrue interest the whole time. The subsidized loans are equally horrifying mostly because the interest is accruing, it’s just being paid for by the taxpayers on your behalf. Neither public loan actually accrues no interest while you are in school
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
It’s not the original loan amount. The trap in student loans is the initial deferment when they gain interest while you aren’t paying and taking classes for 4-6 years. One of my loans was 14k and when I graduated had more than doubled. By the time it was paid off in my 30s the total sum I had paid in to interest was over 100k. And I was paying on an accelerated cycle for the last 5 or so years to kill it faster.
I had discovered with one of my servicers that they were applying my overpayment only to interest as well so the principal would not go down and keep generating new interest. This is actually illegal now thankfully
- Comment on Google just took down IPAs (Apple equivalent of APKs) of popular YouTube tweaks 11 months ago:
I just want less malt without having to have my base be corn or rice
- Comment on Broadcom-owned VMware kills the free version of ESXi virtualization software 1 year ago:
Lotta people here working in legacy not realizing you can run bare metal k8s with containers and never touch a proper vm again. That said, if you are in the cloud basically everything is a vm even when you are using k8s. Two of the big three cloud providers run on top of Xen and one uses hyper-v for all of their machine types
- Comment on Broadcom-owned VMware kills the free version of ESXi virtualization software 1 year ago:
Terraform is infrastructure as code executed via a compiled go binary and can manage vms you dumbass
- Comment on ICANN proposes creating .INTERNAL domain 1 year ago:
VPN is inherently not zero trust. You really should be moving to ZTN based tools
- Comment on ICANN proposes creating .INTERNAL domain 1 year ago:
Seconding the other comment, lots of orgs picked .lan and then over the last few years have moved things into the cloud and .lan has become a meaningless soup since half the shit isn’t even on local network. Now it just means “needs a vpn or ztn to talk to”
Luckily my last three orgs finally bought a second domain for private dns. It’s quickly becoming a pattern that owns or whatever for private traffic. Domains are cheap as fuck compared to everything else a business spends money on, it’s really silly how many people are using hacks for this
- Comment on Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice 1 year ago:
Ghetto fork it. GitHub will nuke the forks done via the fork button with the initial DMCA
- Comment on Apple will no longer fix the $17,000 gold Apple Watch 1 year ago:
The body of the watch was also gold, not just the band.
- Comment on Roku lays off 300 workers and removes streaming content to save money 1 year ago:
This market is getting saturated fast. Apple TV, Fire TV both pair directly to at least one first class streaming service as they are developed by the same company. Chromecast is still hanging on. Plex offers streaming content now as part of Plex pass. Cable tv boxes can now also do native streaming to select services. Major TV brands are dropping the Roku OS to roll their own shitty android port.
I personally moved to the Apple TV because it’s the only one probably not selling my data and isn’t constantly griping at me with some kind of upsell like the Roku and Fire Tv