Don’t run them at full brightness and you should be ok.
Edge-Lit, Thin LCD TVs Are Having Early Heat Death Issues
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
And also avoid using HDR 6 months ago
Also it’s edge lit. Just get a full array local dinning version 6 months ago
People need to stop buying the thinnest thing. 6 months ago
Yeah, I think one of the problems is that thin is a familiar and commonly reported spec for a display. If MTTF were reported — and it should be! — then I think the problem would sort itself out. 6 months ago
Do people buy the thinnest thing? Laptops or phones maybe to some extent, but TVs I sincerely doubt.
And having gotten to interact with the real process of product development, I gotta say in my (relatively narrow) experience it’s based a lot more on vibes/politics than market research or focus groups.
I can totally see “make it as thin as XYZ” being a hard requirement for no better reason than a PM felt strongly about it, and no-one had all three infinity stones necessary to call them out (engineering knowledge, understanding of the PD pipeline, and political capital). 6 months ago
Some people like the glamour of super thin TVs, they’re a bit like fancy sculptures… But I’d wager most people just get the cheapest TV at their preferred size, with some accommodation for perceived quality or features. 6 months ago
That’s what she said. 6 months ago
Then ruins oleds too. Oled need giant heat sinks to work properly, but they’ve been being very thin and having plastic bags so they can look sleek. It’s especially obnoxious because full array LCDs and uniform thickness OLED are much thinner than the protruding bulge that comes out on most super thin TVs.