Me: (see above)
My wife: Image
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Getting into a hot car’s passenger seat with a friend and their playing on their phone while you’re increasingly suppressing the urge to scream at them to put the keys in the ignition and turn the air conditioner on
Tick… Tick… Tick… Tick…
It doesn’t count if you’re using an underground parking lot.
And every once in a while: New status effect - skin cancer.
Need a parasol and a water bottle in your inventory
Did people completely forget how to dress for the weather?
There’s a game called Haven & Hearth that does this when you don’t wear shoes.
And healing is seriously complicated in that game if you don’t know what you’re doing. So your first quest is finding a way to solve that.
…i always make a point to go barefoot when i walk my dog + cat around the block to the mailbox; i’ve blistered my feet a couple of times but it’s worth it to guide them away from too-hot pavement…
Yeah, that’s why I think animals are better off without a human overlord. 6 months ago
Get in the car:
Until the AC finally starts to blow cold air. 6 months ago
Touches steering wheel too soon.
-20hp 6 months ago
Car starter plus windshield reflector