This just feels so counter to Trek ideals.
The ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Movie Sees A “Misfit” Crew Balancing Special Ops Mission And Starfleet Morality
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
Same thing was said about DS9. And Discovery. And Lower Decks. Star Trek has proven itself to be very adaptable from comedy, to horror, through action and drama - and that’s the films alone.
I suspect we may well see S31 shown for what all intelligence organisations are: corrupt, inept, and deeply hypocritical to civil society. Doesn’t that sound like Star Trek to you? 6 months ago
The teaser trailer looks like a high energy superhero romp that’s closer to Guardians of the Galaxy, than it is anything Star Trek.
I’m sure they are hoping this style and format will boost revenue by appealing to a younger demographic, but it’s just totally the opposite of what I want from Star Trek. 6 months ago
💯 Same thing with the abomination that is DS9. 6 months ago
Oh for petes sake. 6 months ago
I’m actually really looking forward to this movie. I’m all for trying new things within the Star Trek universe! 6 months ago
I have no idea if I’m going to like it - it’s definitely not shaping up to be the story I had in my head - but I’m interested in seeing them do something different. 6 months ago
I feel similar. Way back when they announced a series based around Section 31 I had a whole different notion about what that would be. The fact that they made it at all and the cast and crew all seem so genuinely excited has me hopeful. 6 months ago
I’m all for trying new things within the Star Trek universe!
I’m usually in the same boat. Because IDIC, you know? I like it when new shows expand the Trek universe and try something new. Just look at DS9. It got a lot of backlash in the 90s (“too dark”, “not Gene’s vision” etc.) and nowadays it’s very popular and often ranked somewhere around TNG.
But this Section 31 movie… I don’t know. Nothing about seems appealing. The main role is basically Space Hitler. It was already nonsense how they tried to redeem that character on Discovery while she had no redeeming qualities. Compare that to other Trek “villains” like Gul Dukat who at least had some sort of moral compass, even if it was a bit skewed. But Georgiou? There’s nothing. She’s just one-dimensionally evil. Do we really need a movie with her in the main role? 😕 6 months ago
Special Circumstances :) 6 months ago
it would be soo much better if it was Culture instead of trek 6 months ago
The only book they could maybe get right is Consider Phlebas and maybe The State of the Art stories. Anything that features The Culture heavily would be a nightmare.
It’s a shame, Look to Windward is a beautiful story. 6 months ago
So you’re all astronauts on some sort of…
star treksuicide squad?