- Comment on New Promotional Photos of SNW Cast 3 days ago:
I hope it’s not just a misdirection.
- Comment on Film Discussion | Star Trek: Section 31 1 month ago:
Some random thoughts:
- I like that this current era of Star Trek tries out new styles instead of simply copying the “7-ish crew members stand around on the bridge of a Starfleet ship and go on weekly adventures” formula. Some of those new styles work, others don’t. Section 31 unfortunately didn’t work. But this TV Movie format could be a neat way to try out new things.
- As a lifelong Star Trek fan I liked the species they’ve brought back (Deltans! Cherons!) and giving the tricorders the TNG sound effect was neat too. Also, I’ll have a closer look on the Federation map. I always love those canon tidbits.
- Speaking of canon tidbits, at the end of the movie they go on a mission on Turkana IV. That’s Tasha Yar’s home planet on which the government breaks down sometime in the 2330s. And judging by Rachel Garret being a Lieutenant Commander she’s probably still a decade or so away from commanding the Enterprise-C, so the Section 31 movie is set in 2330s. That means that Section 31 could have a hand in Turkana IV’s government collapse (either causing it or trying to prevent it).
- The characters in this movie behave just as nonsensical as the DISCO characters. They condemn Georgiou for being Literally Space Hitler but in the end they all hug and become best friends. WTF?
- Other than that, this is a generic sci-fi action movie. If it weren’t for the couple of species and namedrops, this wouldn’t have any connection to Star Trek.
- If I had a bar of gold-pressed latinum everytime they produce Star Trek movie featuring Section 31, and that movie then became the worst Star Trek movie at the time, then I had two bars of gold-pressed latinum. Which isn’t a lot but it’s still weird that they made that mistake twice.
- Submitted 3 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 1 comment
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Lower Decks | 5x01 "Dos Cerritos" & 5x02 "Shades of Green" 4 months ago:
My favorite little easter egg is that the LOWER DECKS font in the title card now has those blue streaks in the background. Because it’s the 5th season. Just like TNG added those blue streaks in its 5th season.
- Submitted 4 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 3 comments
- Comment on Justin Simien Shares Next Gen and DS9 Inspirations Behind the In-Development Star Trek Comedy Series 6 months ago:
One thing that the current era of Trek does right is giving each series a unique vibe. Remember when everyone complained that Voyager was just TNG 2.0? Definitely doesn’t happen nowadays.
Of course that means that not every series appeals to every Trekkie. And that’s okay. Just pick the ones you like.
- Comment on The ‘Star Trek: Section 31’ Movie Sees A “Misfit” Crew Balancing Special Ops Mission And Starfleet Morality 6 months ago:
I’m all for trying new things within the Star Trek universe!
I’m usually in the same boat. Because IDIC, you know? I like it when new shows expand the Trek universe and try something new. Just look at DS9. It got a lot of backlash in the 90s (“too dark”, “not Gene’s vision” etc.) and nowadays it’s very popular and often ranked somewhere around TNG.
But this Section 31 movie… I don’t know. Nothing about seems appealing. The main role is basically Space Hitler. It was already nonsense how they tried to redeem that character on Discovery while she had no redeeming qualities. Compare that to other Trek “villains” like Gul Dukat who at least had some sort of moral compass, even if it was a bit skewed. But Georgiou? There’s nothing. She’s just one-dimensionally evil. Do we really need a movie with her in the main role? 😕
- Comment on Factory Entertainment Unveils Star Trek: The Next Generation Medical Tricorder Replica, Shipping in Late 2024 7 months ago:
And your cellphone even costs less. (unless you’ve bought a flagship phone)
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x08 "Labyrinths" 9 months ago:
They’re both cartoon villains. It works for a comedy movie, not so much for a serious TV show.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x06 "Whistlespeak" 10 months ago:
For a split second, when they looked at the paper with the list of scientists, I had hope that the Discovery would fly to Denobula. That would have been so much more interesting than what we’ve got. Although I give them credit for doing a more traditional Star Trek episode with a bunch of technobubble, prime directive shenanigans and the obligatory human-like pre-warp civilization.
- Comment on Star Trek Writer Deep Dives Into Discovery Season 5’s Villains 10 months ago:
Our thinking was the Breen as sort of a natural species were bifurcated in the sense that they can be both gelatinous and solid in that sense. But the solid state takes an intense amount of focus and concentration in order to maintain. […] And then as they developed the refrigeration suits, they lost the need for that both evolutionarily and culturally, and it became a sort of cultural anathema. You don’t show people your solid face because that means you’re weak. It means you’re stupid. It means you’re slow.
I still don’t get it. It doesn’t really make sense to me. If it takes a lot of focus and concentration to maintain the solid form, why is one considered weak for doing so?
Breen ship! We’ve never seen the inside
Technically we’ve seen a holding cell inside a Breen ship in DS9.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x05 "Mirrors" 10 months ago:
Burnham stabbed a pimple.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x04 "Face the Strange" 10 months ago:
I think I haven’t enjoyed Disco this much since season 2. This was a great episode in the tradition of whacky time travel episodes. And I really liked seeing the old uniforms, set designs, and Discovery exterior. Mainly because I like those designs much more than the 32nd century upgrades. The sort-of tie-in to the “Calypso” Short Trek also worked really well. And Linus was great as usual.
- Submitted 10 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 0 comments
- Comment on 10 months ago:
Meanwhile, the adventures continue for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which has been renewed for season 4.
At least there’s that.
It’s still surprising that Lower Decks ends so soon. It’s well received and should be reasonably cheap to produce. Why would they axe it?
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x03 "Jinaal" 10 months ago:
As a DS9 fan I appreciated the many references to the Zian’tara, Dominion War and Tzenkethi.
- Submitted 10 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 2 comments
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x01 "Red Directive" and 5x02 "Under the Twin Moons" 11 months ago:
I wasn’t too impressed by the first two episodes. There were some good parts in it – most notably the actor who played Fred – and I liked the more upbeat tone compared to previous seasons. But ultimately it felt like watching Star Wars. I was bored by the prolonged action sequences in both episodes. They are just a showcase for the talent of the VFX people but the scenes feel empty and meaningless.
I’ll keep watching but only because I know it’s the final season. There are just too many of the same old Disco tropes for me to really enjoy this show. A prime example was the scene aboard the Romulan ship: Burnham beams over with Rhys and Owo…only for them to be incapacitated so that the main character can continue on her own. I know, I know, Disco is not meant to be an ensemble show and that’s okay. But it just doesn’t work for me.
- Comment on Happy First Contact Day! 11 months ago:
- Comment on The bridge of the Klingon Battlecruiser from ST:TMP has been added to the Roddenberry Archive. You can freeroam on this and other bridge sets. 11 months ago:
Yeah, this definitely isn’t intended for mobile devices. On desktop you can freely walk around and the controls are pretty self-explanatory. (WASD keys + mouse)
- The bridge of the Klingon Battlecruiser from ST:TMP has been added to the Roddenberry Archive. You can freeroam on this and other bridge sets.roddenberry.x.io ↗Submitted 11 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 3 comments
- Comment on Rewatching TNG: classic Riker boning his way out of the problem 11 months ago:
“First Contact” (the episode, not the movie) is a nice little TNG gem which is often overlooked on the “best of” lists. There’s lots of talking and diplomacy, so TNG at its best. It’s also mostly shown from the perspective of the aliens, so that’s a nice change for once. It’s one of my favorite episodes.
- BREAKING — Paramount Pictures “Moving On” from STAR TREK 4, Announces New STAR TREK 5 Film Instead [TrekCore.com]blog.trekcore.com ↗Submitted 11 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 1 comment
- Comment on The Future of ‘Star Trek’: From ‘Starfleet Academy’ to New Movies and Michelle Yeoh, How the 58-Year-Old Franchise Is Planning for the Next Generation of Fans 11 months ago:
The mention of >!Rachel Garrett!< in the Section 31 movie points to a time travel storyline, doesn’t it? Or at least some holodeck stuff. (Maybe the movie ends with “Computer, end program.” 😄)
- Submitted 11 months ago to startrek@startrek.website | 60 comments
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x08 "Under the Cloak of War" 1 year ago:
Agreed on the Klingon ambassador! The acting felt weird at first but his demeanor made sense at the end.
And I feel similarly as you about M’Benga. I didn’t care much about him until now, he was simply the doctor that speaks strangely. But now I really want to find out what’s next for him.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x08 "Under the Cloak of War" 1 year ago:
What a tonal shift from the last episode.
I think this was on par with DS9’s Dominion War episodes, showing how the Federation ideals clash with the real world. It will certainly be controversial for being so “un-Trek”. There’s no happy ending, there’s just the sinking feeling that a war never really ends in the heads of those that were affected by it.
The acting was stellar all around, particularly M’Benga and Chapel. And that final scene with M’Benga and Pike just demands a continuation in the future.
It was certainly an impressive, thought-provoking episode but if you’d ask me to rate this episode on a scale of 1 to 10 I’d have no idea where to put it. I’m still sitting here trying to wrap my head around what I just saw. I guess that’s war for you. It doesn’t make sense.
- Comment on Paramount Plus just dropped its big Star Trek crossover episode early 1 year ago:
There is a Lower Decks comic series with the same art style. You could read those.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x07 "Those Old Scientists" 1 year ago:
Fun episode. I lost track of all the references but I’m particularly delighted that they brought up the NX-01 and her crew, and that the NCC-1701 crew (what even comes after the dash?) is gushing over them, like we all are gushing over all the different Trek crews.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x07 "Those Old Scientists" 1 year ago:
My face hurt by the end of the episode. I had no idea I was smiling the whole time.
Is that you, Mr. Spock?