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Submitted 6 months ago by to
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Considering how much worse Windows seems to get with each update and new version, Microsoft will soon be developing methods of invisibly install Windows updates to force them through.
I look forward to a future where the battle between Microsoft and malware brings Windows computers to a standstill in an endless loop of invisibly installing and removing updates.
At what point does Microsoft Windows become illegal to install on your computer?
See, i love linux but in no world would i even be remotely tempted to download it for my relatives, its just not idiot proof enough for end users, who will never ever make the effort to learn.
In my experience, it depends on the relative. Some of them just need a web browser, word processor, and a handful of other basics that are pretty similar across OS. After trying linux and discovering that their system ran faster and had far less down time, they didn’t want to go back.
Just install FydeOS then
It’s essentially just ChromeOS
Doesn’t get simpler than that.
That said, Ubuntu itself has been enough for my essentially computer illiterate dad. He never could use Windows but he at least learned basics on Ubuntu.
Not even mint 😮
The problem is that the quality on Mac has been degrading so It might just be time to consider a switch. Honestly, for that type of user, I recommend Chromebooks.
The register simply says “nothing to see here” 😂 6 months ago
What if I did told you that you didn’t have to deal with MS bullshit at all? 6 months ago
Windows bad. Microsoft bad.
Does that satisfy the group think here on Lemmy? 6 months ago
I suspect you lack value of software freedom. 6 months ago
We’re on Lemmy so literally everyone is reminded non stop by you dogmatic weirdo’s. 6 months ago
How do you know someone is a Linux zealot?
Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. 6 months ago
Yawn, right, right.
CAD would like a word.
As would all the automation built to export/import excel sheets.
I can go on and on, even for a home user. 6 months ago
Nobody is going to debate you on this. They just peddle Linux and almost literally tell you to go fuck yourself if you run into all the inevitable issues “just Google it”.
They just cannot accept that their precious OS isn’t even remotely viable for the vast majority of people. 6 months ago
I have sortof the opposite reaction as you. Like if I know what I want to do why am I clicking through GUIs hunting for stuff? Why would I want things that aren’t scriptable? It is the 21st Century, software components should work with my existing setups.
I also remember you from the last time you posted that little anecdote.
Surely blindly installing 20 things and running whatever commands you can find doesn’t fix a Windows problem either? No wonder they’re constantly needing to wipe out the install and try again. I don’t think they said anything better than you, they have a child and don’t want to spend any time learning Linux. 6 months ago
I’m not saying right, or wrong, but wouldn’t known battery issues be the domain of the manufacturers? Sincerely strange that there has been no standard set up seeing as his so much of the foundation of the Internet depends on Linux machines. Did no manufacturer consider this? Seriously? Not trying to fight, but if dead battery truly is an issue… Seems odd. 6 months ago
There has to be a windows-looking flavor of Linux, right?
I know ElementaryOS looks like Mac. 6 months ago
Linux Mint is what you’re looking for. 6 months ago
try linux mint! 6 months ago
It’s Mint for real. Mature, no-nonsense, get out of your way so you can get shit done on your terms OS. 6 months ago
I prefer mine to not look like Windows. 6 months ago
Zorin OS is going for the Windows look 6 months ago
Zorin. But, tbh, imitators won’t offer the most streamlined, seamless experience out there nowadays. If you like the most authentic Linux experience while staying on the user friendly side I’d say go with Gnome. There’s KDE too, for an experience like older windows (eg. Win 7) and that’s pretty authentic as well, just not my cup of tea. Try them out and decide for yourself! 6 months ago
I’d ask how you suddenly converted the majority of workplace PCs and software to run on something other than Windows. 6 months ago
Done. It’s all in the browser already. 6 months ago
Sadly, the certificate program I’m doing requires either Mac or Windows. I’m considering picking up an old Macbook Air for it just to not deal with Windows bullshit, but I already have a second SSD in my computer with Windows, whereas a sufficiently powerful MacBook would be around $200 used unless I can find one from Free Geek for a bit less.