Isn’t it interesting how Republican legislators can introduce bills for every damn thing except the fundamental issue they are so invested in ringing alarm bells over.
It’s been almost 4 years of hand wringing over the border and I can only remember 2 bills put forward. The first was ridiculously unworkable and the second -while not perfect- was at least the strongest suggestion in years and had provisions that republicans were asking for. But oh no, Trump didn’t want the situation fixed, so everybody turned against the bill saying it was terrible, it was written by RINO hacks, worst bill ever written, etc.
The fact is republicans don’t want a secure border, because then they wouldn’t have the threat of mexican rapists to scare people with. Constantly crying about immigrants and the border is a useful distraction. If republicans really wanted the issue fixed, they would put effort into fixing it. Democrats could be pushed into cooperation but republicans don’t want that. 6 months ago…/texas-has-spent-over-148-million-busing… 6 months ago
“Rules for thee but not for me” 6 months ago
The point is to let other states feel pain since Democrats lack empathy.
This bill helps keep that pain going. 6 months ago
Democrats lack empathy? 6 months ago
The bill only punishes sanctuary cities that send to non-sanctuary cities.
That sounds fair to me. If you want to be a sanctuary city, accept the consequences.