- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
Oh ok so if the one random dude quoted in your source said they didn’t but their official paper and leader said they did then I guess they did.
There, now that that’s sorted, don’t you feel weird backing the same guy as the Taliban and the KKK?
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
I read it, why didn’t you read mine?
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
The official article i provided said they did endorse Trump. Your publication just says some guy said they didn’t.
But their newspaper and former leader say otherwise. Once again, close enough.
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
Their official publication was what I provided images of, it was a member that said they had not.
Try and keep up.
- Comment on Behind Tim Walz's 'Hunter' Facade Is A Plan To Take Your Guns 6 months ago:
Typical weird conservative always obsessed with kid’s genitals
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
Close enough
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
You’re right, just their former leader and official publication.
Close enough.
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
No lie, also it took him months to denounce.
If both the taliban and the KKK support the same guy you do, you may be on the wrong side of history.
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
- Comment on Muslim cleric who praised Adolf Hitler, Hamas spoke at Harris running mate Tim Walz’s 2019 inauguration 6 months ago:
And Trump was endorsed by the KKK…
- Comment on Behind Tim Walz's 'Hunter' Facade Is A Plan To Take Your Guns 6 months ago:
lol conservatives love their fearmongering
- Comment on Elon Musk issues foul-mouthed retort to EU in clash over Donald Trump 6 months ago:
As a businessman, passing off the EU is one of the last things you’ll ever want to do. Not even Apple was safe from their wrath.
This is a dumbass decision by Elon. I can’t wait to see how it unfolds.
- Comment on A Harris-Walz Administration Would Be A Nightmare for Free Speech 6 months ago:
Yeah well that’s just like……your opinion, man.
- Comment on Kamala Promises To Deliver Platform ‘Next Week’ — People Remind Her She Already Did That In 2019 6 months ago:
And yet he refuses to apologize for calling me the liar after I sent him overwhelming proof I wasn’t lying.
THEN he has the audacity to call me a troll for not being a constructive part of this community like we don’t all see through his bullshit.
There’s a reason he’s one of the least popular users in his own community.
- Comment on Illegal migrant allegedly commits 22 crimes in 6 months: 'It will get worse,' expert says 6 months ago:
You know what’s also going to get worse?
Global temperatures
Corporate greed
Food scarcity
Housing prices
The sea level
But none of that stuff lets them be indirectly racist so conservatives don’t seem to care.
- Comment on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz: Proponent of Licenses for Illegal Aliens 6 months ago:
These are conservatives you’re talking to, they don’t take kindly to change or social progress.
- Comment on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz: Proponent of Licenses for Illegal Aliens 6 months ago:
This just makes me want him as VP even more
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
Education does not grow on trees. It does not need grown in a garden. It does not require water and sunlight. It cannot be loaded onto a truck and dispersed through a distribution network. Stores do not have education shortages. We are not killing the planet due to the emissions of knowledge. It is not bound by the same physical limitations that resources you are referencing have. This is another example of how your quantitative mindset cannot comprehend a qualitative good.
We need to spend more resources on making our people better, not subsidizing businesses that still charge the people directly.
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
I don’t they receive enough. They’re not what’s driving the deficit, and the deficit isn’t what’s driving inflation. It’s mainly corporate greed.
There’s nothing wasteful about education the population. It’s simply a qualitative good, which is not compatible with your quantitative mindset.
There’s no such thing as rationing knowledge. That’s a dangerous position.
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
Subsidizing the cost of public goods is absolutely within the government’s remit. Just because other countries do it one way doesn’t mean we have to either, and just because those citizens are also in debt doesn’t mean that withholding education makes it better.
You benefit from publicly funded programs and infrastructure because it is deemed a benefit for society. Likewise, education as well as healthcare can be provided for all Americans more affordably than it is now. None of your presented arguments are a barrier to that possibility.
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
Hmmm, you’re still limiting the acquisition of knowledge to “proper” people.
It makes no sense for the ones who pass a test to be the ones deserving of more knowledge, rather than those who may need the education more.
Since education itself has no known negative side-effects, why limit access?
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
My whole point is cost shouldn’t be a barrier to education. Loans only serve as a bridge to affording something otherwise unaffordable, but they don’t address the root cause.
Which people do you consider “improper”? Are you saying only “proper” people should be educated? How do you make the distinction, and what is the benefit of having an uneducated portion of the population?
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
Many of those loans have interest attached, and can have a detrimental effect on credit score, and that’s if you even qualify.
Why should people put themselves into poverty to be educated when it benefits us as a country to have an educated population?
That’s not the answer you think it is.
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
You forgot the part where you have to have money first.
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
You’re right, makes sense why conservatives don’t want that.
- Comment on Kamala Promises To Deliver Platform ‘Next Week’ — People Remind Her She Already Did That In 2019 6 months ago:
It’s really funny setting up the perfect opportunity for him to do something self-serving only for his own hubris to knock it down.
- Comment on Navy warship production hits 25-year low, falls behind China: report 6 months ago:
I agree we could support both. My comment was addressing the idea of valuing one over the other.