How do our employees, the public servants, look so damn movie star wealthy like that?
Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
Read Wikipedia, his father was an attorney for the oil tycoon J Paul Getty and administrator of the Getty family trust. They go deep into money. 7 months ago
I’m generally not one to notice a well cut suit, but damned if the Gavinator isn’t looking slick AF in that shot. This article isn’t painting him in the best light, but they sure did choose a nice picture of him. 7 months ago
When’s he going to order the removal of landlords and private equity?
(never) 7 months ago
It’s rather impressive how many of you refuse to read articles. 7 months ago
What are you talking about? There’s nothing surprising in the article or anything that runs contrary to anything anyone here has said. This is a fucked up decision. Newsom used the Supreme Court decision as a free pass to clear encampments and ticket unsheltered people without the previous obligation to first offer housing- or at least a cot in a shelter. This does nothing to “make our cities safer” it just criminalizes poverty (even more than it already is).
“Newsom could have issued this order before the (Supreme Court) decision. The only difference now is that states and localities are free to confine and arrest people even when there is no shelter available,” said Chris Herring, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of California Los Angeles.
“So before the Supreme Court ruling cities were in the position where they would have to provide shelter offers before removing encampments. Now … they will be able to carry out these encampment sweeps with the very real threat of issuing people incredibly expensive fines of which people cannot pay and often results in a warrant or an arrest or can result in incarceration.” 7 months ago
There’s only 3 other comments at the time of your comment and none of them indicate having not read the article. You and I have a very different bar for “rather impressive.” 7 months ago
Well this is going to go like shit. The last time they were pushing homeless around in San Diego people got killed crossing highways. Because there was no real pedestrian access to services from where they had been pushed.
Everyone thinks we’re going to start concentration camps with minorities but it’ll be the homeless. 7 months ago
Homeless, immigrants and LGBT+ are always first. Poor and undesirable countercultures rapidly follow. Soon some jobs won’t be patriotic enough.