Most Expensive Fossil Ever Sold
That’s just because presidential campaign backers usually like to keep quiet about their contributions.
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Most Expensive Fossil Ever Sold
That’s just because presidential campaign backers usually like to keep quiet about their contributions.
Oof size big
I thought Supreme Court Justice Thomas was the most expensive fossil ever sold.
From what I hear he was actually rather inexpensive. If I was in his place I’d be insulted by the price he gets.
He earned none of that money. It should rightfully be forcefully removed and given back to all the small businesses he fucked hard in the ass.
Imagine having enough money to be able to waste it on a dinosaur skeleton for no reason other than to fucking have it. And it doesn’t even make a difference in your net worth. This kind of shit makes me so damn depressed. I mean more than I already am.
That was my first thought.
Only thirty cents a year.
Ken Griffin basically stole that.
I want to make this man eat my hat
I want to make this man shit your hat.
Did he use a bedpost as the bidding paddle?
Trump offered himself to oil executives for a billion.
Hasn’t Putin already paid $500 million for that fossil?
How come you can buy fossils?
Someone discovered it on private land.
The Sotheby’s auction video: 7 months ago
Fuck. Sotheby’s.
Selling things that aren’t theirs since 1744. 7 months ago
You do realize that the owners of the things they sell are the ones who commission then to sell their things for them, right?
Anyway, the problem isn’t auction houses, it the ultra-wealthy driving prices of the things they desire to insane levels. And the reason it’s a problem is because those prices are totally artificial and grossly inflated, solely for said ultra-wealthy to hide their wealth in the artificially expensive things they buy and avoid paying taxes that would benefit you and me and the whole of society.