There is a bit of a typo in it. Since the list of 100 numbers was split in half, it should be x50 not x100. 50 sets of 101 from each pair.
Hey there gamers
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
It’s not split in half, it’s reversed, which is why both are equal to S. If you just took half, then 1 + 2 + … would not equal 100 + 99 + … and so they both wouldn’t be equal to S.
Instead of halving the list, they just reversed it and set it to 2S later, which they then half. So no typo here. 9 months ago
I had the same reaction originally though, because I feel like I had seen this previously as just “bending” the list of 1-100 in half.
1+2+3+4+...+49+50 100+99+98+97+...+52+51 = 101+101+101+...
101 * 50.
So you have to do a bit more thinking to define your equation but the equation takes you straight to S instead of 2S.
And since the meme just has
+ …
instead of showing where the end of the list was, I see how one could easily mix up the 2 approaches. 9 months ago
2S = 100 sets of 101 S = 100/2 sets of 101 = 50 sets of 101 = 5050
I wondered about the same thing so did the Maths (which is kinda the point of the meme) back from 5050 and it all checks out. 9 months ago
Alright smartgauss let’s see you do the same for all real numbers 9 months ago
I remember learning this out of curiosity in the past, but math doesnt stick in my brain unless chemistry is used as a disguise. Where can I read about this method again? Will the wiki page on Gauss get me there efficiently enough? 9 months ago
you’ll either get there, or to the Boston Molasses Disaster, so you’ll learn something cool either way. 9 months ago
I know about this one! I think it was a Reactions video, which I believe is the American Chemical Society’s yt channel 9 months ago
Add the Numbers from 1 to 100 like a 5-Year-Old! The Story of Gauss | Minute Math
I found that pretty handy. Came across it looking for a Numberphile video on the subject. I was pretty sure I’d seen one before but didn’t have a lot of luck finding it. 9 months ago
Just wanted to say thanks! Clicking your link made me realize I should try to figure out how to open up YT on PipePipe automatically, so now my phone works better :) 9 months ago
This appears to do a nice job with pictures. Although I did not read it all the way through.…/gauss-summation 9 months ago
The sum of all natural numbers smaller than and including x is equal to
The sum of all even numbers up to and including x is that minus (n/2)² so
That would mean the sum of all odd numbers under x is equal to
or sum of all odd including x (if x is odd of course) is
Since the sum of all even numbers up to x is the sum of all numbers minus the sum of all odd numbers.
[-(X/2)² +2x +1]/2 (another way of writing the sum of all evens under and including a number) looks suspiciously polynomial. I want to go further.