One big project or multiple smallers ones? What do you think?
So basically they shut down their games actively being developed or games like NieR Reincarnation (I am legitimately upset they did not patch it to work offline, that was a great game that died yesterday) just so they could claim a loss. This is likely for tax reasons, if I had to guess. 9 months ago
I would happily buy both Rebirth and XVI, but I’m not buying a $500 console to play two games.
Console exclusivity only benefits the console maker. 9 months ago
Very few third-party games remain exclusive to one platform forever, so in those cases I’m usually content to just wait it out until the exclusivity deal is over then pick the game up on a platform I own. Sometimes the wait can be pretty long but I really don’t have much of a sense of FOMO most of the time. 9 months ago
Yes. But when they stay exclusive it’s the worst.
Still waiting for Bloodborne to be available on PC; most likely will be waiting until I can emulate it. 9 months ago
The PC version of XVI is being actively worked on, Rebirth not long to follow I’d imagine, given that they released less than a year apart. 9 months ago
And I think they’re likely done taking those deals after this.