It’s literally a character, like aitch.
Comment on A symbol for the fediverse ⁂ 6 months ago
Stealing an icon already designated for something else? As is tradition
It’s literally a character, like aitch.
Are you one of the three proposers mentioned in the git repository?
No I’m just so very bored and this is the classic bikeshed issue so I figure I won’t cause any problems here. 6 months ago
Having a unicode icon that can be copy pasted anywhere is nifty, but yeah I’m really not a fan of choosing this one. 6 months ago
Why do we need to have a unicode character that refers to the fediverse?
Are we trying to replace our alphabetical language with a language of ideograms? 6 months ago
Can you answer, “Why do we need a symbol that represents the Fediverse?” Because modulo that, your question becomes, “Why does the symbol that represents the Fediverse have to have a Unicode codepoint?”
We don’t need it to be a Unicode character, but there are obvious advantages if it is that don’t even bear discussion. 6 months ago
If they can’t be articulated, I lose respect for those reasons