Smells like a completely fictional story fed to the media for free coverage. Similar to that KFC console a few years ago which never actually existed but allowed KFC to get its name plastered across all types of news feeds for months.
Comment on Chick-fil-A is reportedly launching a streaming service for some reason 6 months ago
Some reason? I’m going to go for money, the reason is money. Humans have an incredible tolerance for advertisement right now and the majority of people (sorry, lemmites, I know you feel different, but if you think your views are widespread think again) are becoming accustomed to subscribing to a variety of streaming services. If you have capital and know anything about advertising, this is a cash grab for you. A lot of content can be produced quite cheaply now. 6 months ago 6 months ago
I am vehemently against ads in all places for all things. It’s astounding to me when my family or friends are shocked that I’m so against them. People just accept ads everywhere and it’s terrible. 6 months ago
This is so true. My own daughters, who I raised from birth, and who I tried to inculcate with good sense…yes, even they…they tolerate ads. I know, I know. It is hard to believe. But I have personally witnessed them watching Youtube ads with apparent interest. That was a hard day. 6 months ago
I really thought the early Netflix era would have emboldened this attitude in everyone, but yes it’s incredible how tolerant so many people are about more and more ads in everything as long as it means something is cheap or free. I don’t have a ton of money to throw around either, but the cost of eliminating ads and just paying for what I am getting is almost always worth it. 6 months ago
I have often mused on how to remotely demolish billboards along highways. Almost all ads are garbage.
The only ones I’m even remotely OK with are the old-timey painted ones on the sides of brick buildings. 6 months ago
Rocket launcher? If you’re in the US you might even be able to obtain one legally. If you can’t, maybe a truck-mounted trebuchet would work. 6 months ago
I’ve see flamethrower drones