Wow tjeubare cheap now.
Ill gove that a try
Comment on 3D Scanning advice for noob 6 months ago
I don’t know what your access to Xbox parts is like, but an Xbox Kinect can be used for this with a simple USB adapter that connects to a laptop.
Wow tjeubare cheap now.
Ill gove that a try
Use a Xbox 360 Kinect and Skanect software. You’ll need a power/USB adapter for it 6 months ago
I built one probably over 10 years ago now. Worked well enough to scan and print my head, but I had a lot of stitching to do on the file. Was still pretty blown away though. I can’t seem to find a photo of it right now, but I’ll post it if I dig it up later.
Doubt it would be super accurate for small things though. 6 months ago
Found the file, can’t find the photo of the print though.
Image 6 months ago
It’s absolutely not accurate for small objects. I had a few laying around and was interested in making one but didn’t bother until a coworker asked me to print out a custom part for one of his Gundam models. I threw it together (using the better XBOne Kinect) and tried to scan the 4" tall Gundam and just got a little blob regardless of which method I used to scan (both rotating the object or rotating the Kinect around the object). I think it would definitely be more useful for something like OPs project or scanning something much larger.