- Comment on Realistically, how feasible is it to 100% boycott a massive corporation (such as Amazon) for an extended period of time? 13 hours ago:
Be careful about ebay, a lot of sellers just drop ship from Amazon
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 2 days ago:
The ghosting was mutual, I couldn’t show my face there again (metaphorically)
- Comment on Is it a red flag if a potential employer rushes you? 3 days ago:
I literally had a panic attack and ran out of the room during a phone interview once
- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 5 days ago:
If I ask my manager or my director a question or challenge their thought process I get called into a 1 on 1 meeting where I’m told I’m a great asset to the team but me asking questions of them in a team setting sets a bad example
This isn’t on you. If you manager’s skin is so thin that they can’t take some critical thinking thrown at them, then they shouldn’t be a manager. Though if you’re doing it all the time it’s probably very annoying. If they’re doing some self-destructive braindead company decisions, then just roll your eyes and don’t say anything while waiting for their comeuppance to bite them in the ass. You don’t have to kiss the ring but you don’t have to be a nuisance either.
So I guess my question if any is are there still companies that exist in the USA or outside that still give a fuck about what they’re doing and not just inflate that companies value so it can be sold or keep the stock price going up.
Maybe a small business with decent core values. They are very rare though, and are liable to be eaten alive by a change in management. So basically no.
- Comment on What’s the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality? 6 days ago:
Using labels for attraction and gender is a way to bring people closer together and share communities and issues. It’s limited to dating, though obviously it helps to find people who fit each other’s attraction. “Oh you’re pan? That’s awesome, I’m gay and this is my boyfriend!” / “I heard Stacy is single, let’s hook her up with Jane, tee hee” / “Does anyone know where I can find a gender-neutral restroom at the airport?”
- Comment on In a thousand years, will historians regard today as the digital dark ages? 1 week ago:
In a thousand years, they’d probably lump together 1950 through 2150
- Comment on How do I stop laughing at stupid shit all the time 2 weeks ago:
Inside you are two wolves. You’re at a furry convention.
- Comment on Blahaj? I'd be curious what led to this decision. 3 weeks ago:
A wise man of our time once declared, “I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes hey”
- Comment on Why is OCR for handwritten content still that bad? 4 weeks ago:
I think the dotted paper might be confusing the OCR. I’m curious if you 'shop out the dots, will the OCR have a better time?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Oopsie whoopie uwu I forgor to work in this, sowwy :3
- Comment on Will online only "Device Activation" become the norm for every device in the future? / Will everything require an app in the future? 4 weeks ago:
Good luck speaking to the general manager when you’re not buying anything, the staff will laugh you out the door
- Comment on Is it possible to install my own OS on a "smart" TV? Is that a thing? 3 months ago:
If it has an HDMI port, it can be a dumb TV. Just don’t connect it to wifi, easy
- Comment on "Give me a 3d printer and a place to plug it in and I will create the world." - *Archimedes* 4 months ago:
Might need to bump up to 0.8mm
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
I can see it, 196 gets a little spicy around critical events
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
It’s not just you
- Comment on Would a surgical puncture to the skull relieve a pressure headache? 6 months ago:
Even if it did, it would extrude your brain out like a can of pillsbury biscuits
- Comment on Interesting to see how dead the MMO genre has become. Are there still players around? 6 months ago:
MMORPGs may not be the butt of South Park jokes anymore, but that doesn’t mean that they’re dead. They’re more diversified… Like others mentioned, other games are quietly stealing the thunder. Also, if you think about it, battle royale games are kinda MMOs with how many people are in the lobby, and games like Roblox and Minecraft can have players interact with large numbers of others
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
Sooo I was kinda in your shoes a few months ago, and decided I really needed to do something about it before I lost my goddam mind. What I’m doing (and it’s kinda working) is to find a community that interests you, and persistently be involved in it. I personally found a streamer on Twitch and a few Discord communities, and hang out with those people by generally just being there and having small interactions with others. We watch the same things and play the same games in voice chat. You don’t have to be that guy that’s obnoxious and in everyone’s face, just pay attention to the people in these groups and be super friendly. I’ve found a few acquaintances and am working on knowing them better to become friends. You’ll remember names and interesting things about them, or be like me and take notes so you don’t forget lmao. Eventually, they’ll say “Hi <name!> It’s nice to see you again. How was your day?” and then you know you’re on the right track.
Socializing is hard, especially when you’re not used to it and in this online era. If you’re friendly and attentive, people will reflect that energy back to you, and you will form bonds. Good luck!
- Comment on 3D Scanning advice for noob 6 months ago:
Use a Xbox 360 Kinect and Skanect software. You’ll need a power/USB adapter for it
- Comment on Has anyone tried any 3d scanning solutions? 6 months ago:
Fair. “Far better than I was expecting for $30, but with limitations.” Can’t really scan anything less than about 4", but you can scan an entire room or car which is neat. My face came out really good.
- Comment on Has anyone tried any 3d scanning solutions? 6 months ago:
I bought an old Xbox 360 Kinect and got surprising results out of it using Skanect
- Comment on Question about DPOA and taxes 6 months ago:
Yeah, which is why you shouldn’t have posted to social media and gone straight to a lawyer.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Taper off, and self-care. Make sure you sleep regularly and sleep well, take lots of water, try to get some exercise even if it’s walking. I’ve been through it and it sucks, but you can do it!
- Comment on Question about DPOA and taxes 6 months ago:
You SHOULD expect legal advice, and your SHOULD seek it from a lawyer. Doing anything else can lead to serious consequences.
- Comment on [MarleMMO] LOTRO in 2024 & Why it's a Special MMORPG - anyone here playing? 6 months ago:
Good choice, GW2 is a fantastic game. It’s not perfect, but the general community is pretty good and there is A LOT of content for your money
- Comment on [Klipper] How can I read the layer height from a gcode file and pass it on as a variable? 6 months ago:
The Z value for G01 would be your layer height
- Comment on Ender 3 having issues with text 7 months ago:
I’ve never heard of that issue before. I have a 2020 year Ender 3 and we have a half dozen at work also around the same age and have run all of them through USB with no problem
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 7 months ago:
I test drive a regular Audi A4 and Infiniti Q50 a few times and became hooked on owning an AWD. It doesn’t snow where I live but the handling was everything I ever wanted. Currently searching for an AWD version of the car I want next and there’s like none down here, it’s super frustrating
- Comment on How do I get over this regret about missing an interesting video opportunity? 7 months ago:
Legitimately the best answer here. OP sounds like they have tendencies that aren’t good for long term social and mental health.
- Comment on Ender 3 having issues with text 7 months ago:
Ignore all the stuff that says Klipper. Install the program called pronterface and then hook up your printer to your computer with USB. You can then run the commands the guide tells you.
You should really figure out how to calibrate the esteps if you never have before, it’ll save you a headache. This tutorial is a good visual: