Anyone can make a good website. It takes a real engineer to make a horrible website that people will use just enough while suffering.
Comment on I just wanted to take a moment to enjoy how clean the web can be 5 months ago
I have a very hard time believing that these companies are unaware of how auful this shit makes their webpages. 5 months ago 5 months ago
That’s a very good quote. 5 months ago
Inspired from the quote “Any idiot can build a bridge that stands, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands.”
Source: Unknown 5 months ago
They know exactly. Once you create a Twitter account, consent to cookies and link your Google account you’ll never see these pop-ups again.
Basically extortion. 5 months ago
If you ever want to read anyone’s tweets somewhat chronologically or see someone’s latest tweet, you’re gonna create an account.
Tweets as view on people’s profiles are totally scrambled (presumably to thwart LLM-feeding scrapers). 5 months ago
I do a lot of my browsing from an iPhone 11. At least twice a day, a page will crash and reload halfway through whatever article I was trying to read. I get it’s a few generations old, but since when do you need state of the art tech to view what should be a static page. 5 months ago
It’s diminishing customer experience creep, except the company doesn’t understand what the user data means. They run A/B tests of different layouts, seeing what kind of feedback each gets to learn more about design choices and users. Each version should get its own feedback and then that data is compiled by data scientists into actionable feedback, things that can be done to improve the website in the direction the company thinks is an “improvement”.
Twitter abandoned those data scientists with the initial layoffs. There is no one to tell them what works and what impacts the customer experience, which is why each time the internal question of “how do we open up for engagement?” they answer it the same way, “Use existing user bases by linking their account to Twitter.” The result is several login requests all looking for the same cookie.
It’s lazy or inexperienced management. Knowing the type of person Elon hires, it’s probably both. 5 months ago
Oh they’re aware, they just don’t care 99% of the time. 5 months ago
Well, unless you’re a nerd, you only see those messages once 5 months ago
I barely see them pop up, if they do it’s for a fraction of a second before a browser extension nukes them. 4 months ago
I mean, they kinda don’t. Companies are entities made out of policies guiding how people split up objectives into smaller parts. The more people involved and the more indirect it is, the less coherent it gets
Legal says you need one popup for compliance. Marketing or analytics say you need more users to log in. Elon wants to remind people to call it Twitter.
By the time it filters through managers to the devs, they probably know it’ll be a horrible experience, but what are they going to do? It’s not their job. They’ll get brushed off. There might even be a compelling reason to do it in this way - with this in particular, annoying and intrusive popups are malicious compliance with the EU cookie laws. But everyone seems to be doing it this way - that’s probably what legal is going to recommend rather than interpreting the law themselves
So the problem is the structure. If you want a hierarchy of obedient replaceable cogs, you’ve made sure no one sees the full picture 5 months ago
on top of what others have said - directing you to the app and login - it’s also likely just that teams don’t talk and make decisions that solve their local issue 5 months ago
It’s intentional, they want you logged in so they can track what you’re doing 5 months ago
iT’s bEtTeR iN tHe aPp 5 months ago
Ughhhhhhhhh 😩