Megatheriums were herbivores, so it would be like spending the night with an elephant.
Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago
Can you imagine being stuck in the dawn of human agriculture, and you seek shelter in a nice cave that you found… And then a Giant Sloth just lumbers in after a bit.
I mean, I imagine any Homo species of the time would know not to go inside one of these, but still. 6 months ago 6 months ago
I hear what you’re saying, and I recognize anyone inside would be safe from being eaten… However, as with an elephant, I wouldn’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night having intruded upon their home. 6 months ago
nah they’d be chill. They’d be like “waaat” and make some initial annoyed sounds at first, but then once you pull out the bong they’d settle down and be chill. 6 months ago
Giant Sloths high as fuck… Would that make the super sloths, or go the opposite way and speed them up? 6 months ago
Sounds a lot like Minecraft. 6 months ago
So not giant sloths specifically, but Australian Aboriginals have oral histories describing megafauna that went extinct around the same time period 6 months ago
wow, that implies an aboriginal oral history spanning at least 40,000 years if true