Blue people will vote for her no matter what, just like red people will vote for trump no matter what. As for purple people, I don’t think this is enough to dissuade them from voting against a fascist traitor thief rapist pedophile grifter moron. Purple isn’t really voting for Harris, they are voting against trump.
Comment on Harris, Walz Push AR-15 Ban in First Joint Campaign Appearance 6 months ago
This seems too controversial? I’m not American, I just know what a lot you guys are like when it comes to guns.
Is there a reasonable majority of people who would vote for her with this campaign point? 6 months ago 6 months ago
Not a large majority, but we’ll find out on voting day exactly how many would, and which way it’ll lead.
The AR is America’s most common rifle. It’s inexpensive, practical, modular, and is really good all around. It’s not magic, just a well balanced design.
Most shootings are done with cheap pistols, not rifles.
The reason why politicians go after it is because it’s black and scary. 6 months ago
Which gun did that kid use to try to assassinate trump again? 6 months ago
Yes. We had an AR-15 ban until George W Bush and after it was repealed shootings have become much more common.
But because the 2nd amendment says “the right to keep and bear arms shall no be infringed” we’re supposed to just be ok with it, Americans not brainwashed by the NRA are sick of it. 6 months ago
Funnily enough, the overall homicide rate went down. Only mass shootings went up, and they are microscopic compared to the overall rate.
This is mainly because the AWB was about cosmetic features and not functionality. 6 months ago
What you’re leaving out is that after AWB expired the average number of deaths per shooting went way up, in some cases over 3x compared to the deadliest shootings before AWB. 6 months ago
So what? To literally all of that? 6 months ago
The increase in shootings is not because of the availability of AR-15s, it’s because of a downward spiral of our society, and a government that has turned its back on the people. It’s obviously far more complicated, but I’m sure you are keenly aware of the issues that contribute to the type of mental health issues that produce mass shooters. 6 months ago
The increase in deaths per shooting is due to the gun used, which in my examples were AR-15s.
They were designed to kill many people quickly at a high rate of effectiveness. You don’t need one to protect yourself or hunt, you only need one to kill people.